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Join Boston Virtual ARTCC

Create a VATSIM Account

The first step to applying to BVA is to join VATSIM. VATSIM is a global network of pilots and controllers of which Boston Virtual ARTCC is a part. By joining VATSIM, you have the potential to fly with air traffic controllers and pilots from around the world.

If you have previously been a VATSIM member and your account is inactive, reactivate your old account online. You can only hold one VATSIM account, so please ensure that you do not have any previous accounts before creating a new one.

If you are new to VATSIM, sign up here. You will receive a Certificate ID and password via email. Please store this information securely and keep it handy: you'll also use it to login to our website, and to the VATSIM network. Once you have created your VATSIM account, return to this page to continue to our exam and application process.

You can fly on VATSIM without being a member of BVA. However, in order to join BVA, you need to have a VATSIM account, and also have your application to BVA accepted.

Verify VATSIM Account