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There are hundreds of websites out there that suggest the best formula for setting up and tuning FSX correctly, each with their own set of magic recommendations for how to get incredible configurations. The truth is that tweaking your simulation is only going to produce good results if you have a decent system to begin with, if FSX and its components are installed properly, and if you are willing to take the time to test various alternatives.
When it comes to setting up FSX and tweaking things like the FSX.cfg file, a guide posted on SimForums has seemed to provide the best results to members who have followed it closely. Please note that this is not a guide written or supported by BVA: Whether or not you have the time or energy to follow the entire guide, there are certainly some good suggestions for the installation (like allowing FSX to run and complete initialization between the installation of the main program and SP1/2). The section regarding tweaking the FSX.cfg is excellent.