BVA's Getting Started Guide: First-Time Setup
If you wish to install FLAi into a custom directory, you'll need to configure your simulator to recognize that directory.
By default, for FSX users, FLAi is installed into the FSX root directory, meaning aircraft are placed into the SimObjects\Airplanes folder. However, if you wish to install the aircraft into a directory like SimObjects\FLAi, this is also possible. Follow the steps below:
- Download and run the FLAi Installer
- Select your simulator version
- When instructed to select the FSX Root Folder, select any folder of your choosing. This is where the FLAi files will be downloaded
- When the installer has completed, navigate to the folder where you installed FLAi. Manually move items from the "Effects" and "Texture" folders into FSX Root\Effects and FSX Root\Texture
- Locate your FSX.cfg file at C:\Users\YourUser\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX
- In the [main] section, add an entry for the location of the SimObjects\Airplanes directory for FLAi. For example, if you installed FLAi to "C:\FLAi", then you would make an entry like "SimObjectPaths.6=C:\FLAi\SimObjects\Airplanes"
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