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Camden Bruno

BVA's New Member Discord!

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We are excited to announce the release of the Boston Virtual ARTCC Member Discord! The Member Discord is a social text communication platform for our members.


As you may know, BVA also has a Member TeamSpeak server, which is a social interface designed to interact with other members via voice. Generally, members using TeamSpeak are “online”, present, and are actively flying or air traffic controlling.


Unlike TeamSpeak, Discord is more of an ongoing chat client. Although Discord does allow voice capability, our Member Discord has been restricted to text-only. Discord is also more mobile-friendly than TeamSpeak. Members are encouraged to join the chat, and to use Discord to ask questions or send messages to admins, friends, etc. when they aren’t connected to the network or around the community. Discord is more of a “group chat” setting that also allows for announcements, targeted questions/answers, and member connectivity. Think of Discord as a modernized, mobile forum board!


To read more about Discord and how to get connected, visit the new Social page on our website. Here you will find the server connection information along with the Discord Connection Guide (also available on the Social page).


As our Member Discord is new, you may continue to see modifications made to channels, settings, etc. As always, we are open to suggestions and feedback as to what you’d like to see on the Member Discord server.


We looking forward to chatting with you!


  Cam Bruno (BN)

  Community Manager

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