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Guest Max Enis

Import Pilot Meeting on July 12

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Guest Max Enis



On behalf of the BVA's Administration Team and the Pilot Meeting Staff, I would like to announce that our next meeting is scheduled for July 12 at 8pm EST.


The goal of these meetings is to allow BVA's administration an opportunity to communicate with members who are seeking a more interactive method of expressing opinions and feedback than posting on our forums or sending an email. Additionally, pilot meetings are a place to discuss pilot based subject matters in both the real and flight simulation worlds. The meetings take place in the Member TeamSpeak Server.


BVA members now have the opportunity to vote between two options to support the future of our community. Online voting is open from now until July 13, and members can also vote live by joining our Pilot Meeting.


Voting has been designed to encourage those who are involved with the community, and familiar with the discussion, to contribute. In addition to determining the direction the community will take, input from members will help shape implementation.


For more information regarding the meeting, please visit the Pilot Meetings page located here: http://www.bostonvirtualatc.com/AllMemb ... tings.aspx

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