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Guest Jason Herman

Instructor Resignation - SR

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Guest Jason Herman

Hello Gents,


I regret to inform you that SR (Chris Seeber) has tendered his instructor resignation due to real world time constraints and other reasons.  Fortunately, Chris has decided to remain on the Boston staff as a vZBW mentor so he may still instruct students at all levels as his schedule permits.


Chris--you are an absolutely amazing instructor and your incredible dedication to the team here at vZBW is definitely evident (every student, controller, and staff member here can attest to that).  I look forward to seeing you work traffic and mentor students in the future as a Senior Controller, but one thing all us instructors will miss are your regular "Done." e-mails that flow into our inboxes every morning at 5am.  You have truly earned the title of BOSTON ARTCC EXAM REQUEST King.


Please raise a pint for SR!

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Guest Hendrik den Hartog



Speaking for myself as one of the ol timers, your contribution to keeping ZBW ticking along for a l o n g time is awesome. Good to hear your still gonna maintain a presence, allbeit maybe as one of us 'forced by real life' part timers......

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