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Guest Jason Herman

Updated POF - Version 3.0

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Guest Jason Herman

I'm pleased to announce the release of our updated POF, Version 3.0.  I kindly request all controllers download the latest file for immediate use.  You can download the new POF by right clicking this link, or from the Boston ARTCC Sector File page.


The significant changes are as follows:


  • Sector ID & ARTS Tags updated to reflect real world operations
  • Albany Approach frequency changed to 125.000
  • Cape Approach frequency changed to 118.200
  • Boston Local East & Skyways positions added for possible future use
  • Additional real world A90 positions added for possible future use
  • All N90 positions added
  • Adjacent ARTCC/FIR frequencies & Sector IDs updated


For those of you that are used to the old Sector IDs (Two-digit ID that appears next to each controller in the CL) or ARTS tags and don't want to start using the new ones, feel free to edit the POF (notepad works best) to what you are most comfortable with.  Format information for the POF file can be found at the bottom of the newest POF.


If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me.

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