BVA's Getting Started Guide: First-Time Setup

Getting Connected Navigation >> First Steps | Simulator Setup | Pilot Client | Configuring vPilot

The first step is to configure FSX for flying on the network.

Open FSX, then click the "Settings" menu on the left. Next, click "Sound..."

Click "Settings", then "Sound".

In the "Settings - Sound" dialog, diable the "Voice" option.

Note: Disabling "voice" disables the default FSX ATIS (you won't need this because ATC will broadcast the ATIS for you). However, if you decide to fly in an FSX multiplayer server, or if you wish to fly with the default FSX ATC in single player, you will need to re-enable this option in order to hear air traffic control.

Then, under "Windows sound devices", select the audio device you wish for "Sounds". This audio device is used for aircraft and background sounds from the simulator. Most users set their speakers. You do not need to select anything from the "Voice" drop-down.

Once finished, the window should look like this:

Disable "Voice" and select a "Sounds" device.

Click "OK" to return to the settings screen, then click "General". Disable the "Show message log in ATC menu" option under 'Air Traffic Control':

You may also wish to un-check the "Pause on task switch" option. This prevents FSX from pausing your flight when you switch to the focus to a different window.

Click "OK" to return to the main FSX settings screen, then click "Customize...".

Click on the "Traffic" tab, and set the "Airline traffic density" and "General aviation traffic density" sliders to 0%. This ensures that you will not see any FSX-generated aircraft while flying on the network:

Configure the simulator not to show any AI traffic while flying on the network.

Click "OK".

Is FSX configured as shown above?
Yes: continue to the next step
Skip this section and explain where I can find controller frequencies, determine who to contact, and start flying