BVA's Getting Started Guide: First-Time Setup

Getting Connected Navigation >> First Steps | Simulator Setup | Pilot Client | Configuring vPilot

In order to connect, you must have either the Acceleration Expansion Pack (payware) or the freeware FSX service packs installed. Acceleration includes the updates from both service packs so if you have Acceleration you should not install either of the service packs.

For users without Acceleration, please click the links below to download the service packs; both are required.

First, install Service Pack 1. Once the installer has completed, open FSX, and load a flight. Once your aircraft has spawned, exit FSX.

You can now install Service Pack 2.

If you are unsure whether you have the required updates installed, you can check the "Programs" list in Control Panel. Find "Microsoft Flight Simulator X" and look for the version number. The version numbers that are compatible with BVA's server are v.10.0.61472.0 (SP2) and v.10.0.61637.0 (Acceleration). If you have any other version number, you will not be able to connect until you have installed the Service Packs from the URLs above. SP1 is a prerequisite for installing SP2.

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