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Dave Pascoe

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  1. Though I only met him in person once, I could tell he was a special and really bright person. Very tragic - far too young to go. Terrible to see a ZBW comrade go west. DA - you were a real giver and sharp wit - you will be sorely missed.
  2. Yes, lots of changes at PVD and elsewhere. They've been using this 123.67 for a while now. And they still have the same blind spots in coverage to the north/northwest. :-) LiveATC has a new set of feeds at PVD (thanks to CO for providing the feed for many years): http://www.liveatc.net/search/?icao=kpvd So if you want to listen in and get some good local info, enjoy. 119.45 transmitter is at Westerly, RI (KWST) so you won't hear that controller unless he/she is simulcasting (e.g., at night, etc.) - that is a busy sector in the summer. Also not sure we're getting the controller on 125.75 (JUMPR Sector) - still tracking that transmitter down. PE