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Michael Detmold

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  1. Congratulations Don. This is great news - now prepare for the hair loss !
  2. Great, good for you Jeff. And ummm, have fun ......
  3. That's great news ! I'm certain our Boston's training will prosper under your command Don. Mike, it sucks, but senior year and Vatsim don't mix, huh ? Thanks anyway. DD
  4. Awesome, awesome, awesome stuff; good for you Mike ! I look forward your tenure. Dan, I cant´t refute all the hard work you have put into the training program. I appreciate it, thanks a lot !
  5. Really nice Mike ! Much appreciated from us Cape people ;)
  6. Congratulations. What Will said, I look forward to it too. Thanks for your time Gary.
  7. Look forward to some great mentoring.
  8. Congratulations PB&MS, from my relatively short experience here this seem well deserved. Thank you to hn and gt for building up ZBW to what it is now.