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Daniel Hoffman

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Everything posted by Daniel Hoffman

  1. DA gave so much of himself, and this ARTCC is better for his presence.
  2. Congrats MR! If the training session that you and DB jointly administered to me back when I was working on my ground cert is any indication, this is going to be brutal.
  3. Congrats! I think I know the combination to the liquor cabinet. I believe it's still stocked from the DO days.
  4. United departs from terminal B now (and Continental is defunct) More importantly: All RNAV DPs are now valid on effectively every runway (except for runways that you definitely won't be assigned.
  5. Thank you all for the kind words, and to all the people who have trained me over the last few years (WY, MR, DO, KK, MO, DB). I shared my excitement with my fiancee, who absolutely didn't care at all. It is great being part of such a wonderful team and I look forward to controlling on center without that pesky "S." To all of you who are currently working your way up the certs ladder, I say: you too can become a fully certed enroute controller (especially if you're able to be on for Friday nights). See you all on the scopes!
  6. Congrats BU! I look forward to working with you in your new role. I'm also looking forward to working with you to improve the current collection of Inver Brass and Popov.
  7. Great instructor, great guy! Congrats WY! (hey...that rhymed)
  8. Apparently CAT II ILS on 33L is still out of service. As such, tonight RW KBOS was running departures on 15R and arrivals on 4R...not a combo you see every day.
  9. will the rw and ts servers be affected?
  10. reason #532 why we need livevATC.net