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Jev McKee

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Everything posted by Jev McKee

  1. The EuroControl site is a good place to start: http://www.eurocontrol.int/articles/ais-online Many countries offer their aerodrome charts free to download. Each country's site is different, but it's fairly easy to find your way to what you're looking for. Also, European charts aren't that much different than U.S. charts. In fact I can't actually think of anything in European charts that I didn't understand right away or couldn't figure out pretty quickly (Google es tu amigo!). :D
  2. Jev McKee

    KASE Night IFR

    I understand where you're coming from, that you want an "as real as it gets" experience. That said, Cam makes an excellent point in noting that a majority of BVA pilots have no license, and I'd hazard a guess that no more than a few have ever actually flown into KASE let alone have certification to land a plane there. Likewise, every time I hear a communication from one of our younger members whose voice hasn't changed yet, it's a bit startling as are aircraft hitting the runway and bouncing 50 feet in the air rather than disintegrating in an explosion of metal and glass. All of these things require some suspension of disbelief. I think the quality of our sim experience is heavily weighted by how well each of us can mentally exclude the sketchy bits and at the same time wrap our imaginations tightly around the "authentic" bits enough to have a satisfying simulation experience. When I spawned into KDEN the night of the event and realized we were in darkness I was a bit jolted too. I was aware of the night restrictions for the published IAPs and wanted to give the event organizers a good spanking. But then I thought, what the hell, I can make this a great experience with the help of my fellow pilots and ATC, and I can lean into what I learned in practicing the approaches before the event. After being handed over to ASE-A and receiving the first few instructions, I knew I was in good hands. While performing the spacing vectors I thought again about the in-authenticity of flying the IAP at night, but then I simply created a scenario in my head that involved having to get my a/c into KASE at night because there was no other option. After that, it was a totally fun process of just focusing on flying the plane: positioning and configuring it for the LOC/DME-E, reviewing the altitude targets on the descent, and putting that 128,000 pound tin can down on the tarmac smoothly and with enough room for a comfortable stop. Personally, I think "as real as it gets" is mostly in our heads. Sure some elements of the event strayed from reality. But, when my hands get sweaty on the yoke and my heart is thumping in my throat as it was that night, I know I'm immersed.