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Evan Reiter

BVA Launches ATP: The ATC Tutoring Program

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BVA’s Air Traffic Control Training Department is excited to announce ATP! 

Until now, controllers have had to rely on volunteer staff members to provide training. Because sessions were happening on evenings and weekends, progress through the training program was sometimes hampered by scheduling. 

That’s all changed with ATP! Starting immediately, student controllers will be able to book guaranteed training sessions with Mentors and Instructors for a fee. Once the fee is paid, the controller will receive training within the next 48 hours. The rates for guaranteed training range from $30/hour to $5/hour, depending on the calibre of the Mentor or Instructor being booked.

For pilots, the new system means controllers will be trained faster, resulting in even more coverage on the network. But the real value is to student controllers, who will be able to benefit from improved consistency and better access to training.

Controllers looking for more information about ATP should visit the ATC Hub.



Evan Reiter

Community Director
Administration Team

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