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[26 Apr 2025 12pm-05pm ET] Cross the Pond: Westbound

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VATSIM is pleased to announce the return of Cross the Pond, this time for a westbound journey, taking off on April 26th, 2025.


Cross The Pond is the largest and longest-running event on VATSIM (over 20 years). The event is biannual flying between the two sides of the Atlantic Ocean - Westbound in the spring and Eastbound in the autumn. Hundreds of pilots light up the virtual skies, and dozens of controllers burn both ends of the candle to provide professional ATC service over the Ocean and the Continents.


To keep in touch with news regarding the event, you can follow their social media and look for the hashtag #CTP25W
Twitter: https://twitter.com/vatsimctp/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vatsimctp/


They also have a dedicated discord server, which is going to get busier as we approach show-day. To join, head over to https://ctp.vatsim.net and follow the instructions on your screen.

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