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Guest Matt Papoulias

Event Idea- "International Overload"

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Guest Matt Papoulias

This event is called "International Overload". Basically, it's where a bunch of pilots spawn outside of the USA [except the outlying states and territories, you can spawn there], and fly into the airport selected for the event. This airport [and the airspace it's in] would be staffed up as much as possible so pilots can get a realistic approach in. The time would be basically either the whole day or for maybe 3-5 hours [pilots can get a head start, but the airport would begin being staffed at the starting time]. The event is mainly aimed at the international or "long flight" type of pilot. Airliners are reccommended, but any aircraft is allowed. Fuel stops along the way are also allowed. The event would be held once or twice a month if possible.


I plan on sending this idea to Evan and Giles for review and see if they will make it offical, but I am also curious on what the general opinion on this event is. Reply to the poll/reply to this post with your thought on this event, and if you think something needs to be changed then let me know what should be changed. Thanks a bunch! :D





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This event is called "International Overload". Basically, it's where a bunch of pilots spawn outside of the USA [except the outlying states and territories, you can spawn there], and fly into the airport selected for the event.


That's certainly an interesting idea for an event. What is the goal of the event? Is the goal to get everyone landing at the 'destination' airport at the same time? The "Overload" in the title makes it seem like there will be a 'traffic overload'. If that's the case, it would make the event a bit logistically complicated because pilots would have to time their flights to arrive within a certain time to get the "overload" factor.


This airport [and the airspace it's in] would be staffed up as much as possible so pilots can get a realistic approach in. The time would be basically either the whole day or for maybe 3-5 hours [pilots can get a head start, but the airport would begin being staffed at the starting time].


I don't think having the airport staffed the entire day would be practical from a traffic perspective (I also think it would be difficult to find controllers to staff it for an entire day). Three to five hours is a bit more practical.


The event is mainly aimed at the international or "long flight" type of pilot. Airliners are reccommended, but any aircraft is allowed. Fuel stops along the way are also allowed. The event would be held once or twice a month if possible.


I'm sure this will be appreciated by long haul pilots -- however, it's not much different then them using the ATC Timetable (which is very accurate) to determine where to fly to to get ATC services, and usually lots of other traffic of varying types (short-haul, GA, etc), adding to the realism factor. I think it's an interesting idea but needs to be a bit more unique -- and more appealing to people that don't fly long-hauls.

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Guest Phil Mohney

maybe instead of "any" airport.... select one airport abroad, and have a center or two along the way, similar to a domestic getaway, just longer-ranged. i like the fundamental idea though

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Guest Matt Papoulias
maybe instead of "any" airport.... select one airport abroad, and have a center or two along the way, similar to a domestic getaway, just longer-ranged. i like the fundamental idea though


Building on that idea, I think it could be where you assign one country/outlying territory, then have it go into the selected airport. For example, the assigned airport could be KBOI, and you could assign it to where you could only fly in from a Canadian airport. Or, the airport could be KEYW, and you could only fly in from the Carribean.

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maybe instead of "any" airport.... select one airport abroad, and have a center or two along the way, similar to a domestic getaway, just longer-ranged. i like the fundamental idea though


Building on that idea, I think it could be where you assign one country/outlying territory, then have it go into the selected airport. For example, the assigned airport could be KBOI, and you could assign it to where you could only fly in from a Canadian airport. Or, the airport could be KEYW, and you could only fly in from the Carribean.


Wouldn't that defeat the 'long haul' part? Caribbean - KEYW really isn't that far.

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Guest Josh Watson

Maybe instead of a "Domestic" Journey sometime we can have an "International" Journey? For example from Toronto to Boston. Or from London to Dublin? Just a thought

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Guest Jonathan Asher

It's a good concept, but in my opinion, there aren't enough pilots who are into longer flights. Many people just enjoy flying C414s and other KAP aircraft. That usually ends up being a rather large portion of the traffic.

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Guest Matt Papoulias

That's certainly an interesting idea for an event. What is the goal of the event? Is the goal to get everyone landing at the 'destination' airport at the same time? The "Overload" in the title makes it seem like there will be a 'traffic overload'. If that's the case, it would make the event a bit logistically complicated because pilots would have to time their flights to arrive within a certain time to get the "overload" factor.


The goal is to get as much international flights into the assigned airport in the given time of 3-5 hours. Pilots will have to plan when they arrive so they can have ATC at that airport, but that makes a good and easy challenge considering there's a 3-5 hour period where they can arrive. Basically saying, the complications come with benefits.


I don't think having the airport staffed the entire day would be practical from a traffic perspective (I also think it would be difficult to find controllers to staff it for an entire day). Three to five hours is a bit more practical.


I agree, so I'll just keep it at 3 to 5 hours. The whole day seems a bit impossible for the controllers.


I'm sure this will be appreciated by long haul pilots -- however, it's not much different then them using the ATC Timetable (which is very accurate) to determine where to fly to to get ATC services, and usually lots of other traffic of varying types (short-haul, GA, etc), adding to the realism factor. I think it's an interesting idea but needs to be a bit more unique -- and more appealing to people that don't fly long-hauls.


They can use the ATC timetable, but occasionally no controllers would be online, or they wouldn't know when one is coming on if they didn't post it there. Flying in the event would nearly eliminate that issue. The short-haul appeal would be that the airport would usually be near another country. For example, the airport could be KEYW, which is close to the Carribean, so pilots could do short island hops to KEYW. Another airport could be KIAH, which is close to Mexico, so pilots could do a short flight in from Mexico. And even though it shares ideas from the Regional Circut and the Pack The Pattern events, it has it's on uniqueness, like how you must be outside the US and fly from a specific country to get into a specific airport.

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Guest Matt Papoulias
Maybe instead of a "Domestic" Journey sometime we can have an "International" Journey? For example from Toronto to Boston. Or from London to Dublin? Just a thought


The International Overload could include a preferred airport to depart from [both in the case of long and short haul]. Example- The selected airport could be KPDX, and the preferred short-haul departure airport is CYVR, and the preferred long-haul departure is CYYZ.

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Guest Matt Papoulias
It's a good concept, but in my opinion, there aren't enough pilots who are into longer flights. Many people just enjoy flying C414s and other KAP aircraft. That usually ends up being a rather large portion of the traffic.


Yeah, that's why I'm proposing some of the following changes.


1. There is a recommended country/area/territory to start from. This will also include 2 recommended starting airports, one for long haul, one for short. You may still depart from whichever country/airport you'd like so long as it is not in the US mainland.


2. It will run for 5 hours, and it is the pilot's responsibility to arrive in that 5-hour period so they get counted as in the event and also so they can recieve approach vectoring. If FSX somehow crashes on them, they may choose to try that route again or take the short route so they can make it in on time.


3. The positions at the arrival airport will be Clearance, Ground, Tower, Approach, and Center. There may also be other Centers online so long as they border the arrival airport's airspace. The suggested short and long haul airports *MAY* have their Center or Approach frequencies online, BUT THIS IS ONLY IF THE OTHER AIRPORT/AIRSPACE IS FULLY STAFFED.


4. General Aviation and Propeller aircraft are allowed to depart from the US mainland if there is no nearby international airport. Example- If KMIA is the airport, they are not allowed since some Carribean airports are close by. If it is KDEN, then they are allowed, since there are no nearby short-haul international airports.


And 5. Once the event's time is up, the controllers may stay online for a bit longer [max. 1 hour longer]. Then they must return to the allowed non-event control positions. They may also get backup controllers for the event in case one of the controllers has to leave.

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Guest Matt Papoulias
maybe instead of "any" airport.... select one airport abroad, and have a center or two along the way, similar to a domestic getaway, just longer-ranged. i like the fundamental idea though


Building on that idea, I think it could be where you assign one country/outlying territory, then have it go into the selected airport. For example, the assigned airport could be KBOI, and you could assign it to where you could only fly in from a Canadian airport. Or, the airport could be KEYW, and you could only fly in from the Carribean.


Wouldn't that defeat the 'long haul' part? Caribbean - KEYW really isn't that far.


Not nessecarily. It is SUGGESTED that if you'd like to have a short haul then you depart from a nearby Carribean airport if it's KEYW. The countries and short/long haul departure airports are only SUGGESTED, not required. If it's KEYW and it's suggested you depart from a Carribean airport, I could depart from Canada and get there and still be counted as part of the event.

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3. The positions at the arrival airport will be Clearance, Ground, Tower, Approach, and Center. There may also be other Centers online so long as they border the arrival airport's airspace. The suggested short and long haul airports *MAY* have their Center or Approach frequencies online, BUT THIS IS ONLY IF THE OTHER AIRPORT/AIRSPACE IS FULLY STAFFED.


4. General Aviation and Propeller aircraft are allowed to depart from the US mainland if there is no nearby international airport. Example- If KMIA is the airport, they are not allowed since some Carribean airports are close by. If it is KDEN, then they are allowed, since there are no nearby short-haul international airports.


And 5. Once the event's time is up, the controllers may stay online for a bit longer [max. 1 hour longer]. Then they must return to the allowed non-event control positions. They may also get backup controllers for the event in case one of the controllers has to leave.


Probably wouldn't need Clearance at the arrival airport if it's going to be mostly arrivals. In addition, you can't force people to depart/not depart from a certain area. If the event is a KMIA and someone wants to fly there from KPBI, while it wouldn't be preferred -- we can't tell them they can't fly from KPBI.

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Guest Matt Papoulias


3. The positions at the arrival airport will be Clearance, Ground, Tower, Approach, and Center. There may also be other Centers online so long as they border the arrival airport's airspace. The suggested short and long haul airports *MAY* have their Center or Approach frequencies online, BUT THIS IS ONLY IF THE OTHER AIRPORT/AIRSPACE IS FULLY STAFFED.


4. General Aviation and Propeller aircraft are allowed to depart from the US mainland if there is no nearby international airport. Example- If KMIA is the airport, they are not allowed since some Carribean airports are close by. If it is KDEN, then they are allowed, since there are no nearby short-haul international airports.


And 5. Once the event's time is up, the controllers may stay online for a bit longer [max. 1 hour longer]. Then they must return to the allowed non-event control positions. They may also get backup controllers for the event in case one of the controllers has to leave.


Probably wouldn't need Clearance at the arrival airport if it's going to be mostly arrivals. In addition, you can't force people to depart/not depart from a certain area. If the event is a KMIA and someone wants to fly there from KPBI, while it wouldn't be preferred -- we can't tell them they can't fly from KPBI.


That's exactly it. It's preferred, not required. Plus, didn't mean to add Clearance in there. Little careless mistake, sorry.

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Guest Matt Papoulias
Thanks for your great ideas for an International Event "Overload" ... I will continue monitoring the thread with happy eyes, and storming brain, too!


Cheers, from north of the border! ;)


Haha, thanks. Always good to see another Canadian on here. :D

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Guest Lucas Kaelin

I want to take this idea and run another direction with it. You're right there's not much of a Heavy Metal Club or events for them. The VFR challenges have done very well, but I am not even familiar enough with a long range aircraft to fly one domestically.


Event name suggestions: "Lat-LongNav" or "Customs Clearance"

Requirements: international flight with en-route time >2hrs arriving within a 90 minute window at a specified event airport staffed from overlying center, approach, tower and ground.. occasionally there will be a required route such as a track (NAT, PACOTS, Hawaiian Tracks)

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Guest Matt Papoulias
I want to take this idea and run another direction with it. You're right there's not much of a Heavy Metal Club or events for them. The VFR challenges have done very well, but I am not even familiar enough with a long range aircraft to fly one domestically.


Event name suggestions: "Lat-LongNav" or "Customs Clearance"

Requirements: international flight with en-route time >2hrs arriving within a 90 minute window at a specified event airport staffed from overlying center, approach, tower and ground.. occasionally there will be a required route such as a track (NAT, PACOTS, Hawaiian Tracks)


In a way, that's kind of what I'm doing. It's bacially an event with a couple of recommended routes [short and long range] from one country to a designated airport in the US. So, for the long range aircraft, flying one internationally isin't much of a challenge if you got a basic understanding of them. And with the time specifications you said, International Overload would have a "controller online" time limit, but pilots have to plan when to depart so they can arrive on time.

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Guest Levi Wilson

I really like the idea. However, I think 5 hours for controlling is about double the time limit the controllers would like to be on. If you compact the arrival time frame into 2 hours, it would add realism to the event and make the pilot feel like an actual international pilot by trying to arrive within such a short time frame. It would be a good idea to suggest that pilots should file a flight plan to add realism. Of course, they don't have to do so. If this event turns out to be a success, I find that it should be hosted on Fridays or Saturdays do to some pilots always being busy. Also, here is an idea for the first event: Japan/China/South Korea to Honolulu.


Good luck with this event. I surely would enjoy participating, time permitting. :)

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Guest Levi Wilson
It would be a good idea to suggest that pilots should file a flight plan to add realism.



By this, I mean file into the pilot timetable.

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I like where you're going with this. It should be an event about once a month with a pilot window of 2-3 hours. Controllers don't really control longer than that. You can't force people to fly from a certain area like Tom said, but I do like the including a recommended area to depart from idea. It would not only be fun for pilots, but it would also be fun for controllers to handle all the traffic coming in. This event would be especially good for long-haul pilots since there are not many events ideal for them. It could use a couple tweaks, but all in all, it's a good idea and I think it would be a big success.

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Guest Levi Wilson

How about this instead? There is a single airport outside of the US that is fully staffed by ATC. This would kind of be like the European Tour event, but it would be only a single airport with planes coming in and going out. I saw this idea in another thread from several other pilots, and I thought it would be beneficial to bring the idea over to this thread. What do you guys think about this?

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