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Lee Shafter

Suggestion: Old School IFR - Berlin Airlift

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As an OLD former pilot, the approach I enjoyed most was the old GCA or PAR radar approach. ILS was cool, VOR was ok, and ADF you would occasionally get lucky, but a GCA in marginal weather when guided only by a human voice was almost magic. Here's my proposal. Recreate the Berlin Airlift.


1) Use the old Celle Airfield (ETHC) to Tempelholf (EDDI) Note: one of the real corridors

2) Use GPS DIRECT for mapping purposes.

3) Prop planes only and if you are REALLY cool use the old default DC-3 Army Surplus model.

4) Max Altitude 7000/8000

5) Weather set to 200ft ceiling 1/2 mile vis, fog rain

6) Establish know fixes for holding patterns.

7) maybe have 1 pilot fly a P-51 and occasionally "buzz" aircraft (the Russians did this)


Pretty good actual PAR approach:


I think younger pilots would enjoy old school IFR and the controllers would be busier than a one legged man at an ass kickin contest.

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Guest Cameron Laramee

I like the idea of a historic event like this, but I don't think the PAR approaches will work. First of all, the FSX radar doesn't give us the amount of information we would need to guide an aircraft on a PAR. In the real world, the controllers can see separate displays which show the aircraft relative to the final approach course and the glideslope. In FSX, we only have a standard radar screen which would leave us to guess where the glide slope is, and, depending on the airport, the final approach course may not even be depicted. Because of the limitations of FSX, none of our controllers or pilots are trained for PAR's unless they control/fly in the real world. Also, a PAR approach requires one controller/frequency per aircraft; during a BVA event, besides controller staffing issues, that would mean a ridiculous amount of holding. With the amount of traffic we normally have during an event, we would probably have to run approaches (and holds) for about 5 hours to get everyone in.

Perhaps we can create a modified version of the event which uses FSX friendly procedures but still retains the historic theme.

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I like the idea, but it does need some tweaking. I like to fly military aircraft and it would be cool to see the sky filled with ww2 era planes. I would volunteer to fly that p-51.

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Guest chuck

oh yea... I'm totally into that! if you schedule it, we'll make it a priority for United Regional pilots to participate. I'd just love to replicate the Berlin Airlift ... 1 minute separation? Old school aircraft and navigation? Awesome!!

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Guest chuck

Wow, I just got really excited about this idea. I wonder if we could approach the concept as "Uncle Sam Needs Pilots!! Civilian BVA pilots have been drafted to war to participate in the Berlin Airlift"


I could envision (especially with United Regional pilots) that we have 6 weeks to train on our WWII era aircraft before being shipped off to England to fly in the lift. I could envision new military callsigns, perhaps even having to fly ourselves to England to pick up our cargo aircraft, and then running traditional dispatches over to Berlin over the period of a week or two. I might suggest that we place a restriction that any BVA pilots who choose to operate in Europe during that two week period MUST fly traditional era aircraft.


I would be totally into this, and would be interested in serving on point to organize it if needed.

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Guest chuck

Gents - - UAR is prepping now with a re issuance of Project Connie and the Lockheed Starliner. While the Starliner wasn't exactly used in the Berlin Airlift, we have enough experience with that aircraft as an airline that it's a decent fit. Our Starliner comes from a website http://CalClassic.com which features a tremendous assortment of freeware classic propliners. Included on that site are many DC aircraft and others. If you are interested in finding a classic propliner or cargo aircraft to use in the Berlin Airlift, that website would be an excellent resource. Enjoy!

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Guest Max Enis

Hey Chuck, if there is anything needed from the Pilot's Affairs side of this event let me know. I'm sure me you and Gilles can sit down get it going!

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