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Guest Lucas Kaelin

Feedback: VFR Challenge Events

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Guest Lucas Kaelin

It has been relayed that we should have more VFR Challenge events. As the designer of these events, I'd like to hear what you love, like, and don't care for about these events. Feel free to comment on anything you have experienced, and what you'd like to see. Please don't post any airports you'd like to see, or event ideas here; PM, FD, or email me to relay those.


Please answer the questions below and contribute any other thoughts in a post. Thank you all for the feedback!


  • 1) How long should the VFR Challenge events be?
    A- 2 hours
    B- 3 hours
    C- 4 hours
    D- Other (specify)

    2) Are you able to attend events on Sunday afternoons? (5-8pm Eastern)
    A- Yes
    B- No
    If B, please specify when you would rather see these events in Eastern time, and what time zone you reside in.
    3) How many airports should be included in every event?
    A- not more than 3
    B- 4-5
    C- 6 or more
    4) Would you like to see a challenge that is occasionally longer than others if it offers something interesting like the entire Alaskan Inside Passage, or every Hawaiian Island?
    A- Yes
    B- No
    5) Should any of the airports be controlled?
    A- Yes, a Class D airport or two for flavor
    B- No, they should all be uncontrolled
    C- Only the very first airport (typically larger for spawn points)
    6) Would you like to see a flight service agent online for flight following, weather, and pirep information?
    A- Yes, I like the experience
    B- Sure, but I probably wouldn't use it unless the weather was marginal
    C- No way, flight service can't do anything for me
    7) Do you prefer airports which are: (Select all you like)
    A- Short, narrow, or unpaved runways
    B- Difficult to locate
    C- One way (Land to east, depart west like Telluride - KTEX)
    D- Have unique procedures
    E- Steep approaches due to terrain/obstacles
    F- Airports which are nearly always overflown
    G- All of the above
    8) How long should the legs between the airports be? (Est Time at the max 150kt ground speed)
    A- <25nm (~<10min)
    B- 25-50nm (~10-20min)
    C- 50-75nm (~20-30min)
    D- 75-100nm (~30-40min)
    E- Whatever it takes to use only interesting airports
    9) Which would you rather see more of?
    A- Difficult airports
    B- Interesting scenery
    C- Challenging navigation
    D- All of it
    10) What sort of navigation challenges do you prefer?
    A- Terrain avoidance
    B- Over-water
    C- Airspace avoidance
    D- All of the above
    11) Do you feel constrained by the 150KIAS speed restriction?
    A- Yes (Specify what speed you would like to be able to fly)
    B- No, I enjoy the opportunity to go low, slow, and enjoy the scenery

    12) Should VFR Challenge events happen during Getaway Events?
    A- Yes, they should ONLY happen during getaways
    B- Yes, they should have them all over, and during EVERY Getaway
    C- Yes, they should have them all over, and OCCASIONALLY during Getaways
    D- No, they shouldn't happen during Getaways
    Events have difficulty ratings of 1-4, with 4 being the most difficult involving multiple impediments to navigation, the most difficult of airports, and special procedures to comply with. We have not yet had a VFR Challenge with a 4 difficulty, but are planning one for the upcoming Aspen Getaway.
    13) Overall how difficult should these VFR Challenges be?
    A- not more than 1/4, I like clear skies, easy airports with wide and long paved runways, no terrain, IFR (I Follow Roads/Rivers/Railroads)
    B- not more than 2/4, I can dodge an occasional cloud, but have a hard time with crosswinds, steep terrain/mountain passes, short/narrow runways
    C- not more than 3/4, the challenges have been interesting and I like learning something from them, but any harder and it would be frustrating
    D- Bring it on, I can fly anything, anywhere, anytime... I like scud running in mountainous terrain...
    E- Who cares, I just follow my GPS anyways, the VFR Challenge is basically a Domestic Journey with smaller airports (you sir should be ashamed)
    14) Have you learned something useful in the VFR Challenge events?
    A- Yes, and it makes me a better pilot
    B- Yes, but I never remember it quite right for the next time
    C- No, I just fly along with everyone else
    15) Do you use NAVAIDS or GPS during the VFR Challenge?
    A- Yes, I follow the magenta line
    B- Yes, I occasionally verify my position with it
    C- Yes, only when I can't find the airport
    D- No, I only follow my chart and the course I plotted
    16) How do you flight plan the VFR Challenge?
    A- GPS Direct or NAVAID navigation / I don't know how to navigate
    B- Just follow the suggested route
    C- I figure up my own route
    D- I make my own route, and complete flight plan with estimated times and wind corrected headings (You rule)
    17) Do you fly with traffic tags on? (The red text over every aircraft)
    A- Yes, I can't find traffic without it
    B- Never, I like the real experience

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Guest Cameron Laramee

1) How long should the VFR Challenge events be?

A- 2 hours

B- 3 hours


2) Are you able to attend events on Sunday afternoons? (5-8pm Eastern)

A- Yes


3) How many airports should be included in every event?

B- 4-5



4) Would you like to see a challenge that is occasionally longer than others if it offers something interesting like the entire Alaskan Inside Passage, or every Hawaiian Island?

B- No


5) Should any of the airports be controlled?

A- Yes, a Class D airport or two for flavor


6) Would you like to see a flight service agent online for flight following, weather, and pirep information?

C- No way, flight service can't do anything for me. I can get much more complete information from my second monitor, and flight following during a VFR challenge is cheating.


7) Do you prefer airports which are: (Select all you like)

A- Short, narrow, or unpaved runways

B- Difficult to locate

E- Steep approaches due to terrain/obstacles

F- Airports which are nearly always overflown



8) How long should the legs between the airports be? (Est Time at the max 150kt ground speed)

C- 50-75nm (~20-30min)


9) Which would you rather see more of?

D- All of it


10) What sort of navigation challenges do you prefer?

A- Terrain avoidance


11) Do you feel constrained by the 150KIAS speed restriction?

B- No, I enjoy the opportunity to go low, slow, and enjoy the scenery


12) Should VFR Challenge events happen during Getaway Events?

C- Yes, they should have them all over, and OCCASIONALLY during Getaways


Events have difficulty ratings of 1-4, with 4 being the most difficult involving multiple impediments to navigation, the most difficult of airports, and special procedures to comply with. We have not yet had a VFR Challenge with a 4 difficulty, but are planning one for the upcoming Aspen Getaway.

13) Overall how difficult should these VFR Challenges be?

D- Bring it on, I can fly anything, anywhere, anytime... I like scud running in mountainous terrain...


14) Have you learned something useful in the VFR Challenge events?

A- Yes, and it makes me a better pilot


15) Do you use NAVAIDS or GPS during the VFR Challenge?

D- No, I only follow my chart and the course I plotted


16) How do you flight plan the VFR Challenge?

D- I make my own route, and complete flight plan with estimated times and wind corrected headings (You rule)


17) Do you fly with traffic tags on? (The red text over every aircraft)

A- Yes, I can't find traffic without it - As much as I would like realism, I can't see traffic without tags until it is about .2 nm away or less; not optimum for high traffic uncontrolled airports.

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Guest Nathan McGuire


2) sometimes A sometimes B. id make it earlier, say 2-5 EST ( I live in MST)

3) b

4) b



7)b or c


9) d

10) a and c

11) a. I feel when cruising the speed should be upped to 165 or less. Then with descent or ascent it should go back down to 150.



14) definitely a

15)c (and not proud of it)



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1) How long should the VFR Challenge events be?

A- 2 hours

B- 3 hours



2) Are you able to attend events on Sunday afternoons? (5-8pm Eastern)

Somewhere between noon and 6-6:30ET


3) How many airports should be included in every event?

B- 4-5



4) Would you like to see a challenge that is occasionally longer than others if it offers something interesting like the entire Alaskan Inside Passage, or every Hawaiian Island?

B- No


5) Should any of the airports be controlled?

A- Yes, a Class D airport or two for flavor


6) Would you like to see a flight service agent online for flight following, weather, and pirep information?

C- No way, flight service can't do anything for me


7) Do you prefer airports which are: (Select all you like)

G- All of the above


8) How long should the legs between the airports be? (Est Time at the max 150kt ground speed)

B- 25-50nm (~10-20min)

C- 50-75nm (~20-30min)


9) Which would you rather see more of?

D- All of it


10) What sort of navigation challenges do you prefer?

D- All of the above


11) Do you feel constrained by the 150KIAS speed restriction?

B- No, I enjoy the opportunity to go low, slow, and enjoy the scenery


12) Should VFR Challenge events happen during Getaway Events?

C- Yes, they should have them all over, and OCCASIONALLY during Getaways



Events have difficulty ratings of 1-4, with 4 being the most difficult involving multiple impediments to navigation, the most difficult of airports, and special procedures to comply with. We have not yet had a VFR Challenge with a 4 difficulty, but are planning one for the upcoming Aspen Getaway.

13) Overall how difficult should these VFR Challenges be?

D- Bring it on, I can fly anything, anywhere, anytime... I like scud running in mountainous terrain...



14) Have you learned something useful in the VFR Challenge events?

A- Yes, and it makes me a better pilot


15) Do you use NAVAIDS or GPS during the VFR Challenge?

C- Yes, only when I can't find the airport

It takes a very high difficulty to find the airport for me to use it



16) How do you flight plan the VFR Challenge?

C- I figure up my own route



17) Do you fly with traffic tags on? (The red text over every aircraft)

A- Yes, I can't find traffic without it

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Guest Lucas Kaelin

In the interest of sharing answers and being honest, I'm going to publicly answer my own questions here. Keep in mind I'm planning on adjusting the events based on the responses that are posted here, so if you have an opinion, please share it!



1) How long should the VFR Challenge events be?

B- 3 hours

C- 4 hours


2) Are you able to attend events on Sunday afternoons? (5-8pm Eastern)

A- Yes


3) How many airports should be included in every event?

B- 4-5


4) Would you like to see a challenge that is occasionally longer than others if it offers something interesting like the entire Alaskan Inside Passage, or every Hawaiian Island?

B- No


5) Should any of the airports be controlled?

A- Yes, a Class D airport or two for flavor


6) Would you like to see a flight service agent online for flight following, weather, and pirep information?

B- Sure, but I probably wouldn't use it unless the weather was marginal


7) Do you prefer airports which are: (Select all you like)

G- All of the above


8) How long should the legs between the airports be? (Est Time at the max 150kt ground speed)

B- 25-50nm (~10-20min)

C- 50-75nm (~20-30min)


9) Which would you rather see more of?

D- All of it


10) What sort of navigation challenges do you prefer?

A- Terrain avoidance

C- Airspace avoidance


11) Do you feel constrained by the 150KIAS speed restriction?

B- No, I enjoy the opportunity to go low, slow, and enjoy the scenery


12) Should VFR Challenge events happen during Getaway Events?

C- Yes, they should have them all over, and OCCASIONALLY during Getaways


Events have difficulty ratings of 1-4, with 4 being the most difficult involving multiple impediments to navigation, the most difficult of airports, and special procedures to comply with. We have not yet had a VFR Challenge with a 4 difficulty, but are planning one for the upcoming Aspen Getaway.

13) Overall how difficult should these VFR Challenges be?

C- not more than 3/4, the challenges have been interesting and I like learning something from them, but any harder and it would be frustrating

D- Bring it on, I can fly anything, anywhere, anytime... I like scud running in mountainous terrain...


14) Have you learned something useful in the VFR Challenge events?

A- Yes, and it makes me a better pilot


15) Do you use NAVAIDS or GPS during the VFR Challenge?

D- No, I only follow my chart and the course I plotted


16) How do you flight plan the VFR Challenge?

C- I figure up my own route


17) Do you fly with traffic tags on? (The red text over every aircraft)

B- Never, I like the real experience

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Guest Jorge Salguero

  • 1) How long should the VFR Challenge events be?
    A- 2 hours
    B- 3 hours
    C- 4 hours
    D- Other (specify)

    2) Are you able to attend events on Sunday afternoons? (5-8pm Eastern)
    A- Yes
    B- No
    If B, please specify when you would rather see these events in Eastern time, and what time zone you reside in.
    Midday and early afternoon would be good, I reside in Spain, so GMT+2 Timezone
    3) How many airports should be included in every event?
    A- not more than 3
    B- 4-5
    C- 6 or more
    4) Would you like to see a challenge that is occasionally longer than others if it offers something interesting like the entire Alaskan Inside Passage, or every Hawaiian Island?
    A- Yes
    B- No
    5) Should any of the airports be controlled?
    A- Yes, a Class D airport or two for flavor
    B- No, they should all be uncontrolled
    C- Only the very first airport (typically larger for spawn points)
    6) Would you like to see a flight service agent online for flight following, weather, and pirep information?
    A- Yes, I like the experience
    B- Sure, but I probably wouldn't use it unless the weather was marginal
    C- No way, flight service can't do anything for me
    7) Do you prefer airports which are: (Select all you like)
    A- Short, narrow, or unpaved runways
    B- Difficult to locate
    C- One way (Land to east, depart west like Telluride - KTEX)
    D- Have unique procedures
    E- Steep approaches due to terrain/obstacles
    F- Airports which are nearly always overflown
    G- All of the above
    8) How long should the legs between the airports be? (Est Time at the max 150kt ground speed)
    A- <25nm (~<10min)
    B- 25-50nm (~10-20min)
    C- 50-75nm (~20-30min)
    D- 75-100nm (~30-40min)
    E- Whatever it takes to use only interesting airports
    9) Which would you rather see more of?
    A- Difficult airports
    B- Interesting scenery
    C- Challenging navigation
    D- All of it
    10) What sort of navigation challenges do you prefer?
    A- Terrain avoidance
    B- Over-water
    C- Airspace avoidance
    D- All of the above
    11) Do you feel constrained by the 150KIAS speed restriction?
    A- Yes (Specify what speed you would like to be able to fly)
    B- No, I enjoy the opportunity to go low, slow, and enjoy the scenery

    12) Should VFR Challenge events happen during Getaway Events?
    A- Yes, they should ONLY happen during getaways
    B- Yes, they should have them all over, and during EVERY Getaway
    C- Yes, they should have them all over, and OCCASIONALLY during Getaways
    D- No, they shouldn't happen during Getaways
    Events have difficulty ratings of 1-4, with 4 being the most difficult involving multiple impediments to navigation, the most difficult of airports, and special procedures to comply with. We have not yet had a VFR Challenge with a 4 difficulty, but are planning one for the upcoming Aspen Getaway.
    13) Overall how difficult should these VFR Challenges be?
    A- not more than 1/4, I like clear skies, easy airports with wide and long paved runways, no terrain, IFR (I Follow Roads/Rivers/Railroads)
    B- not more than 2/4, I can dodge an occasional cloud, but have a hard time with crosswinds, steep terrain/mountain passes, short/narrow runways
    C- not more than 3/4, the challenges have been interesting and I like learning something from them, but any harder and it would be frustrating
    D- Bring it on, I can fly anything, anywhere, anytime... I like scud running in mountainous terrain...
    E- Who cares, I just follow my GPS anyways, the VFR Challenge is basically a Domestic Journey with smaller airports (you sir should be ashamed)
    14) Have you learned something useful in the VFR Challenge events?
    A- Yes, and it makes me a better pilot
    B- Yes, but I never remember it quite right for the next time
    C- No, I just fly along with everyone else
    15) Do you use NAVAIDS or GPS during the VFR Challenge?
    A- Yes, I follow the magenta line
    B- Yes, I occasionally verify my position with it
    C- Yes, only when I can't find the airport
    D- No, I only follow my chart and the course I plotted
    16) How do you flight plan the VFR Challenge?
    A- GPS Direct or NAVAID navigation / I don't know how to navigate
    B- Just follow the suggested route
    C- I figure up my own route
    D- I make my own route, and complete flight plan with estimated times and wind corrected headings (You rule)
    17) Do you fly with traffic tags on? (The red text over every aircraft)
    A- Yes, I can't find traffic without it
    B- Never, I like the real experience

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Guest Josh Watson

1) How long should the VFR Challenge events be?

A- 2 hours

B- 3 hours

C- 4 hours

D- Other (specify)




2) Are you able to attend events on Sunday afternoons? (5-8pm Eastern)

A- Yes

B- No

If B, please specify when you would rather see these events in Eastern time, and what time zone you reside in.




3) How many airports should be included in every event?

A- not more than 3

B- 4-5

C- 6 or more




4) Would you like to see a challenge that is occasionally longer than others if it offers something interesting like the entire Alaskan Inside Passage, or every Hawaiian Island?

A- Yes

B- No


Occasionally, not often.


5) Should any of the airports be controlled?

A- Yes, a Class D airport or two for flavor

B- No, they should all be uncontrolled

C- Only the very first airport (typically larger for spawn points)




6) Would you like to see a flight service agent online for flight following, weather, and pirep information?

A- Yes, I like the experience

B- Sure, but I probably wouldn't use it unless the weather was marginal

C- No way, flight service can't do anything for me




7) Do you prefer airports which are: (Select all you like)

A- Short, narrow, or unpaved runways

B- Difficult to locate

C- One way (Land to east, depart west like Telluride - KTEX)

D- Have unique procedures

E- Steep approaches due to terrain/obstacles

F- Airports which are nearly always overflown

G- All of the above




8) How long should the legs between the airports be? (Est Time at the max 150kt ground speed)

A- <25nm (~<10min)

B- 25-50nm (~10-20min)

C- 50-75nm (~20-30min)

D- 75-100nm (~30-40min)

E- Whatever it takes to use only interesting airports




9) Which would you rather see more of?

A- Difficult airports

B- Interesting scenery

C- Challenging navigation

D- All of it




10) What sort of navigation challenges do you prefer?

A- Terrain avoidance

B- Over-water

C- Airspace avoidance

D- All of the above




11) Do you feel constrained by the 150KIAS speed restriction?

A- Yes (Specify what speed you would like to be able to fly)

B- No, I enjoy the opportunity to go low, slow, and enjoy the scenery


A. I think one should be able to fly what ever aircraft, he or she chooses that is reasonable. (No airliners, military jets)

But larger twins and biz jets like citations would be nice to fly.


12) Should VFR Challenge events happen during Getaway Events?

A- Yes, they should ONLY happen during getaways

B- Yes, they should have them all over, and during EVERY Getaway

C- Yes, they should have them all over, and OCCASIONALLY during Getaways

D- No, they shouldn't happen during Getaways




Events have difficulty ratings of 1-4, with 4 being the most difficult involving multiple impediments to navigation, the most difficult of airports, and special procedures to comply with. We have not yet had a VFR Challenge with a 4 difficulty, but are planning one for the upcoming Aspen Getaway.

13) Overall how difficult should these VFR Challenges be?

A- not more than 1/4, I like clear skies, easy airports with wide and long paved runways, no terrain, IFR (I Follow Roads/Rivers/Railroads)

B- not more than 2/4, I can dodge an occasional cloud, but have a hard time with crosswinds, steep terrain/mountain passes, short/narrow runways

C- not more than 3/4, the challenges have been interesting and I like learning something from them, but any harder and it would be frustrating

D- Bring it on, I can fly anything, anywhere, anytime... I like scud running in mountainous terrain...

E- Who cares, I just follow my GPS anyways, the VFR Challenge is basically a Domestic Journey with smaller airports (you sir should be ashamed)


C. (Marginal weather in mountains or over water for a long time would be unsafe and in realistic in a single piston)


14) Have you learned something useful in the VFR Challenge events?

A- Yes, and it makes me a better pilot

B- Yes, but I never remember it quite right for the next time

C- No, I just fly along with everyone else




15) Do you use NAVAIDS or GPS during the VFR Challenge?

A- Yes, I follow the magenta line

B- Yes, I occasionally verify my position with it

C- Yes, only when I can't find the airport

D- No, I only follow my chart and the course I plotted




16) How do you flight plan the VFR Challenge?

A- GPS Direct or NAVAID navigation / I don't know how to navigate

B- Just follow the suggested route

C- I figure up my own route

D- I make my own route, and complete flight plan with estimated times and wind corrected headings (You rule)




17) Do you fly with traffic tags on? (The red text over every aircraft)

A- Yes, I can't find traffic without it

B- Never, I like the real experience


Sometimes, try not to

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Guest Lucas Kaelin

Thanks to everyone who's given feedback. I was honestly hoping for more feedback than this, as I tried to make it easy with multiple choice. The best way to respond is to copy all the questions and answers from my original post, then paste in your response and just delete the answers that don't apply. Remember the feedback provided will impact all further events. If you don't want to answer all the questions, that's fine, just provide answers for what you can answer. I've been surprised at how consistent the responses have been, and will likely be reviving some routes that I had previously dismissed!

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Guest Anonymous

1) How long should the VFR Challenge events be?

A- 2 hours


2) Are you able to attend events on Sunday afternoons? (5-8pm Eastern)

A- Yes


3) How many airports should be included in every event?

A- not more than 3


4) Would you like to see a challenge that is occasionally longer than others if it offers something interesting like the entire Alaskan Inside Passage, or every Hawaiian Island?

A- Yes


5) Should any of the airports be controlled?

A- Yes, a Class D airport or two for flavor


6) Would you like to see a flight service agent online for flight following, weather, and pirep information?

A- Yes, I like the experience


7) Do you prefer airports which are: (Select all you like)

C- One way (Land to east, depart west like Telluride - KTEX)


8) How long should the legs between the airports be? (Est Time at the max 150kt ground speed)

B- 25-50nm (~10-20min)


9) Which would you rather see more of?

D- All of it


10) What sort of navigation challenges do you prefer?

A- Terrain avoidance


11) Do you feel constrained by the 150KIAS speed restriction?

B- No, I enjoy the opportunity to go low, slow, and enjoy the scenery


12) Should VFR Challenge events happen during Getaway Events?

B- Yes, they should have them all over, and during EVERY Getaway


13) Overall how difficult should these VFR Challenges be?

C- not more than 3/4, the challenges have been interesting and I like learning something from them, but any harder and it would be frustrating


14) Have you learned something useful in the VFR Challenge events?

B- Yes, but I never remember it quite right for the next time


15) Do you use NAVAIDS or GPS during the VFR Challenge?

C- Yes, only when I can't find the airport


16) How do you flight plan the VFR Challenge?

B- Just follow the suggested route


17) Do you fly with traffic tags on? (The red text over every aircraft)

A- Yes, I can't find traffic without it

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