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Zac Ploch

BVA Hosts Cross-Community Flight 6

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Boston Virtual ATC is extremely pleased and excited to host the 6th Cross-Community Flight! Below are a few details on event and how it will work.


Purpose: The Cross-Community Flight has been designed as an event for communication, collaboration, and networking for the multiplayer communities based around FSX. This will be a great time to share ideas, express opinions, and chat with some of the finest virtual pilots and air traffic controllers on the planet. For about one half of the event, we have set up a flight that everyone is welcome to participate in (details below), along with plenty of time to discuss virtual and real-world aviation with 100+ enthusiasts just like you on TeamSpeak!


Date: Saturday, April 11, 2015


Time: 2pm ET (1800Z)


Location: Boston Virtual ATC Server and Cross-Community Flight TeamSpeak3 Server (hosted by Boston Virtual ATC)


Connection Info :

FSX Server:

Password: None

TeamSpeak Server Address: teamspeak.bostonvirtualatc.com:9991

Password: CCF6! (case sensitive)


** Note: Both locations will available after 1pm ET (1700z) **


Event Style: The event will be held in a classic “VFR Hops” style, with a designated flight plan that everyone will follow (see below). The last leg will also include ATC services as well.


Flight Plan: KSBA (Santa Barbara Muni) - KMRY (Monterey Rgnl) - KSMF (Sacramento Intl)




Aircraft Requirements: To ensure the stability of the server and for ATC purposes, all participants MUST fly the FSX Default Super King Air 350. If there are any issues, please contact an administrator of your community.


Air Traffic Control: The final leg of the event (KMRY to KSMF) will be staffed by controllers from Boston Virtual ATC. During the event, we’ll provide all the information you need to know about Air Traffic Control to ensure you are comfortable with flying the last leg of the event, even if you have never flown with ATC before. We are planning on a fun and enjoyable event for everyone of all communities. If you have any questions feel free to contact your community administrator or me, Zac, via email at [email protected].


Thanks and we hope to see you for the Cross Community Flight on April 11!


Participating Communities

- Boston Virtual ATC - Confirmed

- msFlights.net - Confirmed

- FSX-MP - Confirmed

- EasternHops - Confirmed

- SKY|VAN (formerly Sky Connection) - Confirmed

- Elite PremAir Virtual - Confirmed

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Guest Bostjan Laba

Aaaaarghhh, i don't have my ground b solo yet, so i can't do atc yet pn the event :((((( sad :(

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Guest Bostjan Laba

Any news on this?


Can we apply for ATC somehow?


Thanks for any info.



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The only news is that it is coming up on Saturday!


Can we apply for ATC somehow?

Air Traffic Control details have been sorted out already. If you would like more information on how, feel free to email me or find me in TeamSpeak.

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With over 80 participants in total the 6th Cross-Community comes to a close. Boston Virtual ATC would like to thank all who participated and helped with the event. Feedback taken from members who attended showed that the event was a true success and that all would attend the next.


During the last leg of the event, participants were given the opportunity to fly into KSMF with BVA providing air traffic control. Given the nature of the event and the many different experience levels of pilots, we appreciate the understanding of our members that this was a slightly different style of ATC and event than we would usually have. None the less, even though our controllers were a bit short staffed due to real-world complications at the last minute, they did a fantastic job.


All Cross-Community Flights are a wonderful opportunity to understand and get to know all other online aviation communities such as EasternHops, msFlights, FsFlyBoys, FSX-MP, and many more. During every event there are always multiple opportunities for discussion between members of all communities that gives us a chance to relate and get to know one another better than before. BVA is definitely looking forward to the next Cross-Community Flight! While it is undetermined which community will host it next, we will keep you posted.


Thank you to all those who attended and we look forward to seeing you at the next one!


Pictures from the event are posted below:















Additionally one member posted a video that he created of the event itself:


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Perhaps the next cross community flight will take place on vatsim?

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