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Guest Jason Herman

Staff Restructure

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Guest Jason Herman

For those of you who missed my quick talk after dinner on Saturday evening, I'm pleased to announce our new vZBW staff restructure.


Due to upcoming time constraints, I have tendered my resignation as ATM this morning and have officially stepped down from the position.  In addition, Jack Gilbert has also decided to step down from his DATM position due to real world commitments, but we greatly appreciate Jack's service and look forward to seeing him online more often as a mentor.  :)


I'm pleased to announce your new ATM, Paul Byrne (PB).  PB will be stepping up from his TA position to become vZBW ATM effective immediately and will be a very smooth transition based on his time as TA.  Paul -- you can have my office if you'd like but it may be a good idea to stick in yours since the windows aren't all fogged up and the carpet doesn't smell like SO's smelly feet.  I can't believe I'm still trying to get rid of that odor years later, gee.


It is also with great pleasure to announce the new vZBW TA, Gary Millsaps (MS).  Gary has a tremendous amount of real world experience as an air traffic controller and airport manager and has completed many great projects for vZBW including brand new sector files, SOP revisions, and instructing students of all talents.  We greatly look forward to seeing what Gary has in store for the training department and the rest of the VATSIM community.


Lastly, I will be stepping into Jack's shoes as DATM, assisting PB and MS wherever needed.  We're still in the process of revising and creating new SOPs, sector files, sectorizations, and many more projects to come, so I'll still be somewhat busy.


For those of you that attended the Tea Party 2007, I hope you had a fantastic time and look forward to working with you and the new vZBW executive staff in the future.  Those that were in attendance, I'll be sending out another e-mail, so be sure to check your inbox sometime tonight or tomorrow for my note.


Thanks and congratulations!



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As a guy who spent most of his career as a non-profit organization CEO working with volunteers, I offer my gratitude to you and Jack and Gary and Paul (et al) for all of your efforts.


I'm a rookie here but I have always appreciated the time and effort you folks put in to assure the success of ZBW.





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Guest Larry Warner

Jason and Jack, thank you for continuing the tradition of strong leadership at vZBW.


PB & Gary, batter up...  ;D

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Guest Alex Stjepanovic

Congrats Paul! :)

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Guest Paul Byrne

Thanks guys,


It'll be an honour to serve you as vZBWs ATM. You know me, I'll do my best to look after all of you and together we'll continue to make vZBW the best ARTCC on VATSIM.


Now, where did I put my camelbak......



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Guest Hendrik den Hartog

Ye Gads! An Irish hack for chief,,,,,, what next...


Thanks Jack/Jason for keeping the hands on the helm, a great job that was well done! And Good on ya PB for taking the helm.



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