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Erik VanderWerf

The great convergance

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After some feedback from the HTC, and about a month of previously thinking it over, I will post my high-tension suggestion.


Using IAD as an example, we would have a fully staffed IAD and teams of about 5 pilots. Each team would depart from an uncontrolled (possibly an approach or tower online) satilite airport and begin their trek to KIAD. Apon entry to ZDC, each tem would enter one of the three transitions for ROYIL2 or SHNON2 (RNAV). It would then become the controlleres responsability to assign holds to space the aircraft teams before they converge at SHNON.


For example, you have 4 teams. Team 1 (mostly heavies) departs KORD using the KESSEL transition. Team 2 (Mid-range twins (B738?)) would depart about 10 minutes later from KDTW using KESSEL again. Team 3 (Regional Jets) depart KCLT 10-20 minutes after Team 2 using the Beckley. Finally Team 4 (utilizing a vaiety of GA jets or RJs) would depart KLEX the same time as team 3 and fly the Charleston transition.


While writing this I have also come to realize that after spacing is achived, 20 pilots (plus drop-ins) is not a lot to handle with a 3 parallel configuration like IAD. DCA on the other hand might be a better hub airport. The ELDEE4 and WZRRD2 arrival (both RNAV) could be used, with the same transitions. Thoughts Appreciated!

Erik VanderWerf

Occasional Flyer


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Guest Brandon Carter

If there are teams of 5 pilots and 4 teams, wouldn't this event only allow 20 pilots to fly?

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...20 pilots (plus drop-ins) is not a lot...



And you are not limited to 4 teams, or teams of 5. This could vary by interest.

Erik VanderWerf

Occasional Flyer


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Guest ascrabbleboy

Having an airshow / fly-in would be fun and do something similar


Take an airport such as KFTG under the bravo shelf.


Keeping true to airspace restrictions in the Bravo / Delta airspace.


KMKC / KMCI would be another interesting area.

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Following on this idea of convergence, I would suggest having a "focus" airport announced on the BVATC website home page... This airport (be it KIAD) would be open for business ONE WHOLE week... possibly 24/7... and, at the end of the week... the BIG HTC event would finalize things, let's say on a Sunday afternoon.


(Regular events can take place at the time they use to be held... but that would open up a whole week of meetings and practice on ONE smaller area... and use all those printouts we have made...)


Knowing this, ALL members would like to "converge" and join to fly TO or FROM that airport.


Controllers, as a hosting group, would likely want to be there and would fill all positions at that airport (KIAD). Clearance + Ground + Tower + Departure/Approach... and I see that "Z-center" covering the whole ARTCC...


Pilots would have to use their calculator to DEPART their airport of choice and be seen arriving at the airport of focus (KIAD), with most of the crowd... ( ATC timetable... would be our reference!)


Pilots leaving the "focus airport" will want to benefit from the control activity... and fly to the airport of their choice... some will even want to come back to the focus airport, feeling lonesome on 122.95!


Should there be more controllers available, they would team up to work together at a resonably nearby "secondary airport" and this one would also be annouced LIVE, as operational.


All this would create "meeting point(s)" which don't move so much... and would stop the chase for moving targets... all we members are! (Real Life + Virtual tastes... + add-on craves + my favorite airplane + my home location + my time zone + my meal time + "Is anybody home?"...)


So finally, I see a "permanent HTC" developping, those who want to get with the COMMunicating crowd will stick close together... and we know that "crowds" build up the tension! Are you IN?


So its like a one airport getaway :?:

Erik VanderWerf

Occasional Flyer


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So why not just do it at Boston :??


This discussion might be better served in a new topic. I started this one to talk about and modify the original post of having 20-30 pilots converge from different transitions on the same STAR.

Erik VanderWerf

Occasional Flyer


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Here are a few others:



  • TNP from KLAS
    EED from KGCN
    PKE from KPHX
    IPL from KTUS



  • FWA from KSBN
    ROD from KCMH
    DQN from KILN
    EMPTY from KCKB



  • ANX from KTOP
    BUM from KMCI
    XGF from KXNA

Erik VanderWerf

Occasional Flyer


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