BVA's Getting Started Guide: Start Flying! >> Before Start Checklist

Start Flying Navigation>> Get Ready | Before Start Checklist | Setting up your Aircraft | Connecting to the Network | Filing a Flight Plan | Who do I Talk To?

The "Before Start Checklist" items below are great reminders for pilots getting started on the VATSIM network. If you are already familiar with flying on the network or have been reading through the other material on our website, you may wish to skip this section.

1. Don't hestitate to ask questions ... ever! We love helping new members. If you don't understand an instruction, ask for clarification - you'll hear veteran pilots do this all the time in real life.

2. Which Controller do I Contact? The most important thing to remember about controllers is not to start taxing or flying without talking to somone first. Even if you get the wrong frequency by accident, we'll help you find the right person.

3. Don't Fake It. Once again, if you don't understand an instruction, ask for clarification.

4. Start from the ground up. Spend a few minutes on the ground listening to ATC before beginning, and start with a short flight, maybe even a VFR hop.

5. Begin with an aircraft you know how to control. Especially if this is your first time flying online, this is not the time to be searching for your radio stack or fooling around with an FMC ... start with something manageable, and work your way up.

6. Fly here with us in ZBW! Even though you have access to the entire VATSIM world, BVA members only provide ATC in Boston Center (ZBW). Our controllers are here because they love controlling.

7. Only connect from a parking spot, not the runway.

9. Enter your Callsign Correctly. Don't forget that the three-letter ICAO callsigns are not always intuitive; check out the "Flight Planning" section of the website for more information.

10. Don't pause in controlled airspace without asking a controller for permission first.

11. Listen, and wait your turn. Before speaking, make sure pilots and controllers have completely finished their conversation, wait a few more seconds, and then begin your request.

12. Remember that the maximum airspeed below 10, 000' MSL is 250 knots.

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Yes: continue to the next step
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