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David Neil

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Everything posted by David Neil

  1. Fantastic. I'm looking forward to the Challenge(s). While I'm at it I have an idea for a future one. Orbx has released a completely free demo section of the Pacific Northwest scenery which is just amazing and convinced me to buy heaps of their stuff. It's big enough and challenging enough for a great course and would probably have the side effect of boosting their sales if we can get 30 pilots out there flying around on it. (Hopefully they'll be releasing the Northeast and/or American OLC sometime soonish as well.)
  2. What an awesome challenge! As detailed above the weather quickly deteriorated and there was serious scud running and one heart stopping moment at the top of La Veta pass for us at the back. High terrain on either side and a race between finding the notch on the left and the rising terrain pressing you into the clouds. Wish I had a screenshot, perhaps I can recreate with the historical function of ASN (awesome program by the way). Fortunately I had put in a few waypoints through the pass and so had some headings to fly and then the train track below gave me the confidence that I was in the right canyon (Thanks FTX Vector, though I had issues with airport elevations and auto generated trees that need sorting out). On the other side the flat valley floor gave a false sense of security as the clouds got lower and lower as the terrain rose toward RCV, so ended up following the Rio Grande up to the lights of Del Norte. Amazingly there was one other foolhardy soul out there with me and we were on a converging course about 4 miles out so a 360 over Del Norte was necessary for spacing. Landing on 24 (26 in FSX) would have been fairly straightforward but circling to 21 was a bit white knuckle with the rising terrain again providing the squeeze and no runway lights to help in the fading light. Kudos to the organizer above and I'm looking forward to going back and doing some previous challenges. Found some links in the forums but an archive page would be really nice.