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Matt Spencer

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  1. Late night Class B Approach sweatbox. God help you all.
  2. Oh my god... the fridge! Congratulations BU, couldn't think of a better man for the job, as Don steps up to the big high chair on the Death Star, or whatever he's doing these days.
  3. Congratulations HA, glad to see that you'll be contributing to this great facility!
  4. The first hour of cooking has been a bit like a J.J. Abrams film. Good luck!
  5. Thank you, thank you everyone. I'll do my best, nothing less.
  6. Congrats BU, I hope I can live up to the job. DO works fast... I checked my VATUSA profile and it's already updated. And Don, is this what you meant by you'd be in touch in a few days? ;D (Had to say it) Thanks everyone for the vote of confidence, I'll do my best and start looking at what we can do in the coming weeks to help drum up some traffic and have some fun doing it. I'm so bad at this that it's awkward over text, SP
  7. Hey Don, Told ya! :P Great man for the job, I'm sure you'll strike the balance between VATUSA bureaucracy and training. Onwards and upwards, you can count on my support to get Boston rolling in the next few months. I'll be plugging in as much as I can. A great choice for a great ARTCC. SP