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David Burns

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Everything posted by David Burns

  1. Treasure hunt sounds like a good idea.
  2. Figures that it happened just before I joined BVA. I knew I was on to something.
  3. GA Pilot poker run. Pick 5-7 towered airports to feature within a reasonable distance. Each pilot that completes a full stop at a selected airport gets a playing card (selected by random card generator). The "course" can have a pre-determined sequence which may help with ATC predictability and flow. Best poker hand wins. Since the event would be taking place over multiple fields, an event coordinator can help keep track of participants' arrivals and monitor ATC using Teamspeak and Vatsim. They can give cards to pilots via Discord during the event or we can confirm eligibility after the event (similar to the LVFR KDBL giveaway last year). I can use up to 8 decks in the random generator, so that is 416 cards/arrivals maximum. If we use a 5 card hand, we can have no more than 83 pilots. If we use a 7 card hand, we can have 59 pilots max. Prior registration may be encouraged. There isn't even a requirement that it be a one day event. We could make each leg a weekly event to get more participation.
  4. To correspond with the time posted in UTC shouldn't it read 7PM-12AM ET?