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Camden Bruno

[4 Dec 2017 9:30pm ET] VATUSA Town Hall Meeting

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VATUSA is pleased to announce a Town Hall meeting, taking place on Monday, December 4th, at 9:30pm ET.


Don Desfosse, VATUSA Division Director, will host a brief discussion highlighting some recent VATUSA highlights, projects, metrics, challenges and opportunities, then turn the mic over to various VATUSA staff members to add a little color. Lastly, there will be an open forum for general conversation, questions and answers.


The meeting will take place on the VATUSA TeamSpeak Server in the Archie W. League Conference Room. The following credentials will be in place shortly prior to the meeting:


Server Address: ts.vatusa.net:9989

Password: freedom


For controllers, please use your full name and facility (e.g. John Doe - ZXX) as your nickname.

For pilots, please use just your full name as your nickname.


Controllers, students, and pilots are all welcome.


We hope to see a lot of BVA representation!


  Cam Bruno (BN)

  Community Manager

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