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Evan Reiter

September Logan Informer: Congratulations to Tea Party Prizewinners!

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On Saturday, August 7, BVA’s controllers gathered in-person for the first time in two years for Boston Tea Party 2021! From near the site of the real-world Boston Center, and without air conditioning due to a mechanical issue on-site, our controllers managed almost 350 operations at Boston, alongside departures and arrivals at KPVD, KBDL, KACK, KMVY, KMHT, KPWM, KBGR, KSYR, KALB, and KBTV. 


During the event, 39 pilots participated in Tea Party Poker, a fun game for pilots flying during Tea Party. By flying with controllers, competitors earned virtual playing cards, and those holding the best poker hand at the end of the event had their choice of great prizes. Almost 300 cards were drawn over the course of our 7-hour event—huge thanks to Matt (WH) for acting as our “card czar” and Sergey (KT) who put together an awesome spreadsheet to help us keep track of everything. 


Read more about next week's Boston Tea Party in the September Logan Informer.



Evan Reiter

Community Director
Administration Team

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