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[15 May 2022 03-06pm ET] Fly-in: The Great Cape Escape

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Set the parking brake on the airliner and knock the cobwebs off your favorite general aviation aircraft! The General Aviation Fly-In visits locales across the country that are famous for their scenery and general aviation influence. While anything from a single engine Cessna to a regional jet is welcome in this event, ‘low and slow’ offers the best opportunity to experience the scenery.

During this GA Fly-In event, local air traffic control is staffed at smaller airports with overlying radar controllers to provide VFR Flight Following and IFR services. Fly VFR closed traffic, practice instrument approaches, or fly VFR or IFR between the featured airports: the choice is yours.

The event features Nantucket (KACK), Martha's Vineyard (KMVY), Hyannis (KHYA), and Cape Cod CGAS (KFMH) airports.

It’s also a great time to try out one of our WINGS flights. Remember, many of the flights have published Alternate Airports, allowing you to earn your BVA pilot ratings at event airports!

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