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Cameron Peterson

*Save the Date* Cross the Pond Eastbound 2023: Returns October 28th!

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The VATSIM Cross the Pond Team is happy to announce that the next iteration of largest and longest running network event returns, this time for an eastbound journey, departing on October 28th, 2023. For additional announcement information head over to https://forum.vatsim.net/t/28th-october-2023-cross-the-pond-eastbound-discussion-thread/2806


To keep in touch with news regarding the event, you can follow the CTP team on their social media accounts as well as look for the hashtag #CTP23E

Twitter: https://twitter.com/vatsimctp

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vatsimctp/


The team has also setup a dedicated CTP Official discord server, which is going to get busier as we approach show-day. To join, head over to ctp.vatsim.net and follow the instructions on your screen. 



Cameron Peterson

Events Coordinator
Administration Team

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