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Guest Robert Martin

Don't touch that dial

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Guest Robert Martin

It seems that we will be having a foul weather opportunity without messing with the server settings. Irene is screaming up the coastline and looks to be a nice size storm. Proposing that we utilize KORF and KBWI for the regional circuit on Sunday. Obiviously no positive way of knowing the exact time and path, but it sure looks good right now. Just an idea!!!

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Let's keep an eye on the storm for sure...but part of the idea behind the event is to test whether custom weather will work in the server without causing connectivity issues. This is important so we can understand whether this type of event works in the future, or if we are "stuck" with real-world conditions.



Evan Reiter

Community Director
Administration Team

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We had a storm like this last year that effected the Cape, Long Island, Connecticut, and the rest of New England. To my recollection it was an interesting couple of evenings -- full of high winds, rain, lightning, and busy controllers! I don't think this will be the last storm to pay us a visit, especially since this is the first one to reach hurricane strength so far in the 2011 Atlantic Hurricane Season (Eight named storm though).

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Guest Yun Chase

What I wanna know is... you guys changing the weather setting for the virtual world or the real world??? :D


My guess is, those of us living near Boston will be affected by widespread power outages... meaning... we'll miss all the fun for this Bad Weather Regional event... :cry:


The irony in all this is that... while you guys may think you're changing the weather for the worse on the server for this event... I can almost guarantee that your fake, bad weather on the server will actually be much better than what we'll be going through (for real) during this event in about 48 hours from now... :?

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Well, there it is...our first bad weather event in more than 4 years. We had 37 pilots at the peak, and are looking at 58 flight plans 2/3 of the way through the event. I believe this dispels the myth of custom weather causing issues (I didn't see any more people than usual get disconnected). Since I had the ATC perspective only, I didn't get to experience any of the weather. What is the general consensus on the event? Is it worth doing again? Should we try harder weather or do we need to tone it down a bit?


By the way, tonight's METAR: Wind 070 at 12. Visibility 3/4 in heavy rain, thunderstorms. Ceiling 300 overcast. Temperature 22; Dewpoint 18. Altimeter 2970. The weather was the same at both airports, with the tops in between the two around 9,500.


Looking forward to your feedback...and a real-world weather Rc coming up on Tuesday!



Evan Reiter

Community Director
Administration Team

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Well I will keep it short and sweet, I had a great time last night and the weather at both airports was horrible which was a very good thing in this case! It showed me just how inefficient I am with flying a real ILS approach in the hornet, usually I just look out the cockpit and can make the slight adjustments but last night I saw nothing but clouds and almost ended up coming down on 4L! Lol


All in all it was a great experience and I would love to repeat it.

Devon Hathaway - BVATC Scenery Design  "Cross Devon at or above 4000, cleared for the ILS RWY 9R approach"

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Well, there it is...our first bad weather event in more than 4 years. We had 37 pilots at the peak, and are looking at 58 flight plans 2/3 of the way through the event.


But was this because of the weather, because Boston was involved or even both? The community seems to love our Boston events (remember the Boston PP). Regardless, I had a great time finally using all of my New York stuff for once! :D


Oh, and here are some shots of me landing in KEWR before we updated to custom weather.








Tim Brett (BE)


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Thanks guys! Yeah, the HUD is pretty amazing, much more than the iFly. It's a lot easier flying single pilot IFR in a 737 when you have a HUD that works well.


Oh, and at the event on Sunday I took a quick shot of Boston at the start. Seems like everyone did a BOS-JFK run.




Tim Brett (BE)


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