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Guest Lucas Kaelin

ASE Getaway

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Guest Lucas Kaelin

Any chance we can add or sub in TEX or GUC for the ASE Getaway early next year?

I feel like lots of people like ASE because of the terrain and challenging approach, yet there's nothing complicated or entertaining about the desert plain of DEN and COS.

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Guest Bennett Smith

I believe tradition is that we do an Aspen getaway in early-mid december...

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Very true, abc, but not the topic at hand.


TEX and GUC are nice airport,s but they are uncontrolled. The point of featured airports is to advertise what will be available as controlled. This is not preventing pilots from flying to these other fields, I saw plenty do it earlier this year.

Dan P.

PPL ASEL - High Perf & Complex Endsr.

KHVN - Tweed-New Haven/KOXC - Waterbury-Oxford

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Guest Lucas Kaelin

Yea every night I flew during this year's getaway I went to TEX. You're right about being uncontrolled, so they won't work. How about GJT instead?

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Yea every night I flew during this year's getaway I went to TEX. You're right about being uncontrolled, so they won't work. How about GJT instead?

That we can do.



Evan Reiter

Community Director
Administration Team

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We could do what UALR did to PQI (Dan should remember) to TEX one night. That might be fun.


And I shall be there to orchestrate it all. AH HAHAHAHA.

Dan P.

PPL ASEL - High Perf & Complex Endsr.

KHVN - Tweed-New Haven/KOXC - Waterbury-Oxford

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