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Evan Reiter

BVA's High Five (+30) Promotional Video Released

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As you can see on our home page this evening, we've released our promotional video for our upcoming High Five (+30) Event, our extended 5-year anniversary celebration which runs from November 27 - December 3. The video is also available on YouTube:





You can find out more about our High Five (+30) Event at: http://bostonvirtualatc.com/dnn/HighFive.aspx.


Thanks again to everyone who participated in the filming of the video -- pilots and controllers -- along with Cameron who worked both to ensure the filming event went smoothly and the final product looked as good as it does. But the real force behind the video was Brandon who not only filmed the majority of the event but also cut together the final product and recorded several audio clips independently. Great work everyone!


Next on the agenda is our official promotional video which we intend to cut together from a lot of the same footage (so if your flight didn't make it into this video, don't worry!)



Evan Reiter

Community Director
Administration Team

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Guest Skylar Richardson

WOW i am thoroughly impressed on the making of this video. Even better yet i have showed my dad this video and he is more than entirely impressed on how just a few members made BVA grow into over 2800 members. Can't wait to control during the Events!!!

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Guest Claudio Pais

Fantastic work and even better results. Stunning how the narration and the radio chatter work together, and the music add so much depth and makes it that much more emotive.


I feel Brandon needs special thanks, for the effort he put into making people's contributions to this video come to fruition and do it justice. And everyone involved should feel so, so proud of themselves, and for being a part of BVA.


It's been a fantastic 8/9 months here for me, and I hope BVA has many more years to come, regardless of whether I can be a part of it or not.


need I say more?

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I will be sending the link around to as many people as I can.

Thanks for doing that! I think that's a great cue from others as well -- please take a few minutes to send the link on to family, friends, colleagues, and anyone else you know that is interested in aviation. We need to keep that 2,800 number growing!



Evan Reiter

Community Director
Administration Team

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Guest Claudio Pais
VATSIM vZBW + British Airways Commercial = Boston High Five Promotional Video



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Guest Yun Chase

Hi Team,


You guys have put in a lot of effort and it truly shows. This is one of those videos that really touches upon my passion and I am so proud of you guys as well as feeling proud to belong to this community. I am thrilled with the work that I have just witnessed from you. This is truly something else.... :)


Now, I do have one request.... Is it possible for you to let us download a good quality .mp4 copy of this video? I would like to have it as a file on my iPhone as well as my computer. :D


Thanks guys... you guys make me proud. :D

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Guest Brandon Carter

Chase -- thanks for the kind words.


Feel free to download a copy of the video for your own use from a website that allows you to download videos off of YouTube.


One you may want to try is:


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Guest Gary Fender

I've really enjoyed flying the East coast again. Flying that area brings back memories of about a year ago now when I was first learning BVATC. I've been a member now for a little over a year and I sure have learned a lot and had a lot of fun.

Thanks to Evan and all those who volunteer to keep this going, it sure helps me.

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