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Evan Reiter

FlightDesk Unavailable

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As of 1300Z today, FlightDesk is unavailable (users will receive a "validating credentials..." error but will never be able to login). This is a temporary issue affecting FlightDesk only that we hope we will be able to resolve shortly.


Another message will be posted here when the issue has been resolved.


FSX is not affected by the outage; users are able to access the server as pilots and controllers. Please file flight plans through FSX's chat box until FlightDesk is restored.



Evan Reiter

Community Director
Administration Team

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We've managed to get FD back online temporarily. We'll do some more debugging to find and hopefully permanently fix the issue after tonight's session. For the remainder of the evening you can login to FlightDesk to file your flight plans, send messages, and view controllers as usual. Expect a few reboots later (after midnight) while we complete some debugging when traffic has died down.



Evan Reiter

Community Director
Administration Team

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