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Guest Wenner Massella


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Guest Wenner Massella

Wouldn't it be fun to have a central american getaway?


Guatemala, El Salvador, or even Honduras?


Just a thought, we be nice to hit up some central american countrys for a get away...

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Guest Wenner Massella

We will never know if we dont attempt it... I know I would in joy flying from Tegucigalpa, Honduras to La Aurora Int., Guatemala. or MGGT to MHGT . I just threw it out there to see if BVA would take it into consideration.








Hope we can make this happen.

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We will never know if we dont attempt it... I know I would in joy flying from Tegucigalpa, Honduras to La Aurora Int., Guatemala. or MGGT to MHGT . I just threw it out there to see if BVA would take it into consideration.

Problem is that we HAVE attempted it. We've been to Asia, we've been to Europe...and most of the time the traffic hasn't been there and it's been difficult to find controllers, charts, etc.


Why don't we say that if you can get 20 pilots to post their support and at least 7 controllers (typical Rc staffing level), then we'll do it?



Evan Reiter

Community Director
Administration Team

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Guest Lucas Kaelin


Getaways are supposed to be relaxing places you want to go and enjoy flying. When I'm having trouble finding charts, and have no idea where I'm going I don't get to have fun. Often this frustration leaves me feel like I might as well be flying Antarctica for I know of where I'm going. There' plenty of places in the US we don't see often enough. Being as we're expanding ops to Europe, I think we'd be more likely to hold a getaway across the pond. Besides if I can't drink the water in Mexico, dare I trust the fuel!?

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Guest slayer816

Getaways are supposed to be relaxing places you want to go and enjoy flying. When I'm having trouble finding charts, and have no idea where I'm going I don't get to have fun. Often this frustration leaves me feel like I might as well be flying Antarctica for I know of where I'm going. There' plenty of places in the US we don't see often enough. Being as we're expanding ops to Europe, I think we'd be more likely to hold a getaway across the pond. Besides if I can't drink the water in Mexico, dare I trust the fuel!?


Agreed sorta, but I could say the exact same thing about Europe.



Provided the scenery/charts are 100% accurate and its kept at a week (ANY location gets boring after 7-9 days); I'm in.


I'd rather see Honduras and Costa Rica then spending two weeks at a place we've already been. Go for it.

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Guest chuck

I'm in. I like the challenge. I'm here in part to learn new things and I think that if we build it they will come. In regards to Europe, I know there is the added learning curve of terminology and finding charts and such, and the same would apply for Central America. But if we don't attempt it and try to learn new things and push the boundaries of our skills and operations, then why are we here again? I believe we should keep at it (Europe), and keep striving to learn more, do more, fly more, operate more. I for one would like to see an Asian Getaway. Japan, China, Russia anyone?

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Guest george bruton

I would be down to log more time in Europe or South America as long as there was more of a challenge presented - Unique airports with approaches like above. I would think a lot of members would also take the time to read the charts and get a understanding of that region if there was something being offered more then a identically flight from point a to b as we do daily around Boston or USA I should say. If you look at it now with Europe and why it might be having issues is you have to spend all this time learning more to do a simple flight you can do without the headache back in Boston... make sense? Also, the one big challenge too is getting the scenery produced.

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