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Evan Reiter

Server Restart Planned for Sunday, January 29

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ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS: FlightDesk/FSX Server Restart Planned for Sunday, January 29


Our server (FSX/FD) will be restarted at approximately 1am ET on Sunday, January 29 in order to set the server to VFR weather to accommodate the VFR challenge taking place later in the day. The servers will be restarted again at approximately 1am ET on Monday, January 30 to reset the server back to real-world weather.


Please do not plan to be on the server or complete long haul flights on Saturday or Sunday evenings as you will lose your flights when the server is restarted.



Evan Reiter

Community Director
Administration Team

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Thank you for your cooperation; the server has been set to VMC and a 2-hour time delay for the VFR Challenge. The server will be reset back to real-world weather and conditions at 1:30am ET on Monday morning.



Evan Reiter

Community Director
Administration Team

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The server will be re-started once again to accommodate the second VFR Challenge planned for Saturday. Please do not plan any flights overnight on Friday. The server will be restarted between approximately 1-2am ET on Saturday, February 4. In order to reset back to normal weather, the server will be once again reset at approximately 1-2am ET on Sunday, February 5.



Evan Reiter

Community Director
Administration Team

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The restart time has been moved to 5:30pm ET this afternoon. Please do not plan any flights immediately before the VFR Challenge. The server will then be restarted again immediately after the VFR Challenge to return to a standard configuration for those who wish to fly with real-world weather and time as we would on any other evening.


Details are available on the ATC Timetable page: http://www.bostonvirtualatc.com/dnn/ATCTimetable.aspx



Evan Reiter

Community Director
Administration Team

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