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Dan Perrone

Billings-Logan "Pack-The-Pattern" (9/6/2012)

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Hey All,


Just wanted to post and let everyone know that there IS a brand new scenery update for Billings Logan International Airport (KBIL) for our Pack-The-Pattern event tonight. I know this truly is a release down to the wire, but due to a combination of my job and a mis-marked scenery update calendar over here, the scenery was not completed till early this morning (2:15a EST early). This is a necessary update, as the old v1 KBIL scenery previously available had many old taxiways and connections present when, now, the airport has completed a major overhaul of it's taxiways, resulting in the elimination of three, and the creation of two others. The new v2 update, now available on the Event Scenery page, reflects these updates. Also corrected is the size of the terminal. Additional parking has been added to support the Pack-The-Pattern.


You can grab Billings-Logan International Airport (KBIL) v2 from RIGHT HERE. You can also visit the Event Scenery page to grab a copy, though the link above goes right to the same file. I've sent the email to Phil, and when he has the free moment, the scenery will be available in triplicate on the PtP event page itself. I'll update here when that happens. PLEASE NOTE: As of this posting, only v1.2 is available from the PtP event page itself page. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE. If the scenery on the PtP Event page says "Previous Release Version 1.2," then you are NOT getting the right scenery.


I'll be controlling approach for the event, and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone there! I know I'm the late one this time, but please take a moment to download and install the scenery! It only takes less than 2 minutes, and it makes the workload for controllers and pilots alike much, much simpler.





Dan P.

PPL ASEL - High Perf & Complex Endsr.

KHVN - Tweed-New Haven/KOXC - Waterbury-Oxford

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Guest James Strauss

Thanks for the effort and time, Dan. I, for one, don't take for granted how much personal time must be sacrificed to complete these projects. After all your contributions for the great SFRA challenge, and Hawaiian RC, it's understandable that you were in a time crunch to get this completed. Hope everyone fully understands how much the generous contributions of a relatively small core group makes this a much better experience for the whole. You guys never will get enough credit for your unselfish contributions, but we can, at least, try to express gratitude.

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Guest Billy Hatchell

Thanks for the update and download. Is this downloaded the same way the enhanced add-ons were loaded when I join BVATC? I wish I could join you guys tonight in "Pack-The-Patteren" but I have to work. Hope to catch you the next time.



Billy Hatchell

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The scenery installs the same way all manual updates have in the past. There is an automatic installer included for those less inclined to install scenery the way the SDK intended.

Dan P.

PPL ASEL - High Perf & Complex Endsr.

KHVN - Tweed-New Haven/KOXC - Waterbury-Oxford

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Guest James Strauss

The scenery upgrade version 2.0 looks perfect on my computer, Gilles. Did you remove the earlier version .bgl files from your addonscenery? If not try that.

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Gilles, try this:


1. Navigate to C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft GamesMicrosoft Flight Simulator XAddon SceneryScenery

2. Delete ALL files in this folder with "KBIL" in the file name.

3. Start up your simulator, and load KBIL default.

4. Close the sim.

5. Manually copy the two airport files from the download link above into the Addon SceneryScenery folder.

6. Restart the sim.


This should force any old scenery out, and the new scenery in. If you are still having issues getting the airport installed after that, email me.


I just confirmed that the download above gives you the right files.

Dan P.

PPL ASEL - High Perf & Complex Endsr.

KHVN - Tweed-New Haven/KOXC - Waterbury-Oxford

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