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Guest george bruton

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Guest george bruton

I think it would be cool to do a SoCal event with KSNA. Not only being a short runway the airport follows strict noise abatement procedures on takeoff that I think would be fun and change it up a little. Now, I know it would be very challenging to make sure everyone is following the procedure. But the steep climb out with a almost intimidate thrust reduction I believe would create some interesting departures for ATC.


The short primary runway (19R/1L), coupled with the local noise restrictions, can require a takeoff at or near full power (95-97% power). Some aircraft departing from the airport may cycle to full power while holding at the runway then release the brakes when engines are fully spooled up. On operations from runway 19R a steep climb may also be required to allow for a power reduction at about 500–700 feet for a quieter overflight over the city of Newport Beach. For 19R departures a left turn after departure to 175 degrees allows for a passage over Newport Beach within the confines of the noise abatement profile.


John Wayne Airport (SNA) is one of the busiest and most noise sensitive airports in the United States. The Airport is located in the center of Orange County, California with residential areas in close proximity. To mitigate potential noise impacts from aircraft operations and to enhance compatibility with surrounding communities, the Airport maintains some of the most stringent noise rules in the United States. The General Aviation Noise Ordinance (GANO) has been adopted by the County of Orange to regulate the hours of operation and the maximum permitted noise levels associated with general aviation operations.



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Guest Max Enis

That would be great for a Pack the Pattern. I was on Airnav reading about it and I don't think that the noise abatement would be the biggest problem. The longest runway is only 5,700ft. This airport would be difficult for every event except a GA Fly-In, unless no one flew heavy-jets. But thats just my opinion, it would be for my a GA Pack the Pattern.

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That would be great for a Pack the Pattern. I was on Airnav reading about it and I don't think that the noise abatement would be the biggest problem. The longest runway is only 5,700ft. This airport would be difficult for every event except a GA Fly-In, unless no one flew heavy-jets. But thats just my opinion, it would be for my a GA Pack the Pattern.

I believe we have featured this aiport as an Fi in the past. That's something we can do again after the next one on Cape Cod.



Evan Reiter

Community Director
Administration Team

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Guest george bruton

Ya the largest aircraft they have going in and out is a 757.....Im sure it might be a issue for a few BVA members who like to fly heavy's. I just think it would be fun to have a few more things you need to prepare and be aware of besides a SID.

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