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Tom Seeley

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Everything posted by Tom Seeley

  1. Those of us who have experienced it, can't help but shudder involuntarily at the thought.
  2. Congratulations Rich! Big shoes to fill here ... ... although I'm not sure I'd want to. ;D Congratulations also to DO, upon completion of 3 1/2 years as ZBW's ATM! Nobody has ever done a better job.
  3. I do believe I did Mike's very first training sessions at ZBW, and remember thinking that he would be an excellent asset. He has certainly proved that to be true. Congratulations Mike, ZBW training is in great hands!
  4. This is a great addition to ZBW. Glad you're aboard Rahul. Wish I was. :)
  5. Congratulations Francis! You've come a long way, and ZBW is the better for it.
  6. I like Ross' idea. This is still VATSIM, and we adapt as necessary. "Cross all runways" works for me, in spite of the new language.
  7. Great choices, Don! There are SO many possibilities with the title of Ass Chief, but probably nothing original. 8) Thanks to AA for all he has done for ZBW. Real life just has to come first, a lesson we learn again and again. Best of luck Jeff.
  8. Not much anyone could add to that, except to thank YOU, and those who preceded you, for all you have given to this facility and the people who make up its membership. We should never lose sight of the incredible effort that is required to manage ZBW, and which is given without compensation by those who take on the task. Thanks, DO!
  9. 'Bout time you found something to do around here. ;D Looking forward to the results from an extremely capable guy!
  10. Don, I expressed my sentiments to you privately yesterday, but I'd just like to add publicly that this is a huge positive for ZBW, and there just is not a better man for the job! Congratulations (again), best of luck, the future should be very exciting under your leadership!