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Don Desfosse

Air Traffic Controllers
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Everything posted by Don Desfosse

  1. Effective 0901Z tomorrow, 15 Dec 2011, there will be some changes, deletions and additions to many KBOS instrument procedures. Summary of major changes: STARs: INNDY2: DELETED GDM4: - Aircraft expect clearance to cross LOBBY (vice BRONC) - No expected speed restrictions - No JFK transition ORW4: - Aircraft, after overlying PVD, will automatically fly to KRANN (vice INNDY) KRANN1 (RNAV): NEW - New RNAV arrival that is useful for the same aircraft/routes that would formerly have used the ORW4, but as an RNAV arrival, provides detailed procedures to follow (fixes, altitudes and speeds) to get them set up for an approach clearance or vectors to an approach clearance - As such, significantly reduces reliance on vectors and radio transmissions -- gives pilots the responsibility to do a lot more on their own - As such, it's now much more critical that pilots listen to ATIS before checking on with approach, and/or know what runway they'll be landing on. In configurations where we're using multiple landing runways and the pilot is on this STAR, it will be critical for the approach controller to assign an arrival runway prior to KRANN OOSHN1 (RNAV): NEW - Brings aircraft from the SW around to SCUPP and then to OOSHN - Provides clear transitions from the N and NE (ENE and AJJAY respectively) - New RNAV arrival that is useful for the same aircraft/routes that would formerly have used the SCUPP4, but as an RNAV arrival, provides detailed procedures to follow (fixes, altitudes and speeds) to get them set up for an approach clearance or vectors to an approach clearance - As such, significantly reduces reliance on vectors and radio transmissions -- gives pilots the responsibility to do a lot more on their own - As such, it's now much more critical that pilots listen to ATIS before checking on with approach, and/or know what runway they'll be landing on. In configurations where we're using multiple landing runways and the pilot is on this STAR, it will be critical for the approach controller to assign an arrival runway prior to TTERI, with a strong recommendation that the arrival runway assignment be made prior to OOSHN - Honestly, I don't see us using this one much except for transatlantic arrivals QUABN1 (RNAV): NEW - Brings aircraft from the SW around to SCUPP and then to OOSHN - Provides clear transitions from the N and NE (ENE and AJJAY respectively) - New RNAV arrival that is useful for the same aircraft/routes that would formerly have used the GDM4, but as an RNAV arrival, provides detailed procedures to follow (fixes, altitudes and speeds) to get them set up for an approach clearance or vectors to an approach clearance - As such, significantly reduces reliance on vectors and radio transmissions -- gives pilots the responsibility to do a lot more on their own - As such, it's now much more critical that pilots listen to ATIS before checking on with approach, and/or know what runway they'll be landing on. In configurations where we're using multiple landing runways and the pilot is on this STAR, it will be critical for the approach controller to assign an arrival runway prior to QUABN, with a strong recommendation that the arrival runway assignment be made prior to LOBBY IMPORTANT NOTE!: Though the new RNAV procedures have mandatory altitudes and/or altitude blocks and speeds at KRANN, SCUPP and LOBBY/QUABN, and controllers, as long as they were sure the pilot had received a clearance to KBOS that included one of the new RNAV STARs as part of their clearance could issue a "descend via" clearance (i.e. Shamrock 125 Heavy, descend via the OOSHN1 arrival, Boston altimeter 2992), as the RW ZBW will not be using these at this time, neither will we. Controllers shall continue the practice of issuing "Cross ___ at 11,000" clearances, as follows (unless operational advantage dictates otherwise): KRANN: Cross KRANN at 11000 OOSHN: Cross SCUPP at 11000 QUABN: Cross LOBBY at 11000 The reason RW ZBW is not using the "descend via" clearances at this time is that there are no defined procedures yet for a high altitude sector to issue such a clearance and have authorization directly into a low altitude sector. Additionally, there is no data block indication yet to alert the low altitude or next sector that the pilot is descending via on the STAR. Adding to the problem is one of the transitions will start in another facility, and no LOA update has been coordinated yet. APPROACH PROCEDURES: - Many minor changes - For those of us old, reminiscent folks, another NDB loss -- the LQ (LYNDY, 382) NDB has now been removed from the ILS 33L approach plate as the alternate missed approach destination (and replaced with COTEE)
  2. Team, I wanted to pass on my best wishes for a safe, healthy and Happy Thanksgiving to you all. I can't think of any better words than what I wrote last year, so I'll renew the sentiment again this year.
  3. http://www.avweb.com/avwebflash/news/FA ... 722-1.html This is obviously terrible news! May I suggest we all write our senators and congresscritters. This site is one of many that helps you identify their contact information pretty quickly: http://www.contactingthecongress.org I have already written mine; I urge you to write yours as well. As an AOPA member, I have also written AOPA ([email protected] Though I didn't specifically mention VATSIM, I spoke to using the data for nonprofit safety work. While I'm sure you can't all claim to be FAA Safety reps, many/most you can still modify my letter and refer to providing public presentations of safety-related data where you use the FAA information. Heck, you do this every time you train a student and/or help a pilot understand their charts. Feel free to modify my example, below. Don Desfosse Air Traffic Manager Boston ARTCC
  4. Got 'em, thanks! OOSHN1: http://aeronav.faa.gov/acifp/2008102914 ... OS/FIG.pdf QUABN1: http://aeronav.faa.gov/acifp/2008102914 ... OS/FIG.pdf DREEM1: http://aeronav.faa.gov/acifp/2008102914 ... OS/FIG.pdf KRANN1: http://aeronav.faa.gov/acifp/2008102914 ... OS/FIG.pdf ORW4: http://aeronav.faa.gov/acifp/2008102914 ... OS/FIG.pdf GDM4: http://aeronav.faa.gov/acifp/2008102914 ... OS/FIG.pdf BTW while I was cruising around at 14,500 feet in a Skyhawk Friday, I was listening for your voice. After not hearing you for a while, I asked the CON sector controller if you were working -- he said you weren't.... Next time!
  5. WYLYY9 is up: http://www.bostonartcc.net/document_lib ... 8WYLYY.PDF
  6. Me too! They don't publish drafts, so I don't have any insight yet.
  7. And to whet your appetite for the future..... State AirportCity/Name Description Sched Pub Date Status MA KBOS Boston/Gen Edward Lawren... STAR DREEM (RNAV) ONE BOSTON... 12/15/2011 Under Development MA KBOS Boston/Gen Edward Lawren... STAR KRANN (RNAV) ONE BOSTON... 12/15/2011 Under Development MA KBOS Boston/Gen Edward Lawren... STAR OOSHN (RNAV) ONE BOSTON... 12/15/2011 Under Development MA KBOS Boston/Gen Edward Lawren... STAR QUABN (RNAV) ONE BOSTON... 12/15/2011 Under Development MA KBOS Boston/Gen Edward Lawren... STAR GARDNER FOUR BOSTON MA ... 12/15/2011 Under Development MA KBOS Boston/Gen Edward Lawren... STAR NORWICH FOUR BOSTON MA ... 12/15/2011 Under Development
  9. Boston Logan International Airport (KBOS) Notice To Airmen (NOTAM) 11/002: !UAR 11/002 BOS AIRSPACE GARDNER THREE ARRIVAL... EXPECT TO CROSS LOBBY AT 11000 (VICE BRONC)
  10. Boston Logan International Airport (KBOS) Notice To Airmen (NOTAM) 08/001: From 0000 through 2359 Local time on Wednesday 24 August 2011, KBOS shall publish its ATIS using two ATIS codes only: A, which shall be pronounced Andre (AHN-dray) and R, which shall be pronounced Roy (ROY) and shall alternate these two codes throughout the day.
  11. Well, I was going to write another greeting, but last year's fits the bill perfectly. Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there! There is no greater, blessed gift in the world (OK, I'm a bit biased!).
  12. As some of you may remember, Brian Dubois is a RW controller at KBOS tower, and has been instrumental in helping us in the past. You may also remember that for the past 2 years, I have made donations in ZBW's name to Brian's cause. Here's the note I got from Brian. I have already supported Brian again with a donation this morning. However, anyone so moved, inclined and able is certainly welcome to do so as well. I have two little girls, 5 and 2 1/2, and every time I hear or read about leukemia (or any other serious affliction), I think of them and pray that they'll never get hit. No one will if we can wipe out this awful disease. This is, of course, not mandatory -- there are no extra brownie points, etc. -- I'm just posting it for those who are so moved and able to help. NOTE: I just found out that Brian's fundraising efforts are due today! Anyone that can help today that would be great. If you can't for today, obviously the donations still go to a good cause -- it's just that Brian gets "credit" for the donations that are made today. Sorry for this late notice!
  13. As many of you know, one of our Mentors, Rodger Johnson (JH), lives in Japan. I did hear back from him that he and his family are all fine -- it was pretty much a non-event where they live.
  14. The Boston ARTCC is proud to announce the appointment of Kevin "KK" Moody as our newest Webmaster / Data Services Manager. Kevin has been rapidly and successfully developing his coding and development skills over the last few years, and his recent projects show that he is ready for the task. Kevin will also retain his other roles as Facility Engineer and Instructor. Congratulations!
  15. The Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM), change 2, effective 10 Mar 2011, has been released, and can be found at http://www.faa.gov/air_traffic/publicat ... -10-11.pdf
  16. Works in Firefox now; thanks.
  17. Just a quiet Wednesday afternoon across the USA...
  18. Hard to believe another year has gone by, and a year since I posted this. It still puts a smile on my face --- hopefully it will for you too. Thank you for all we've been able to accomplish together in 2010, and I'll take this moment to wish you, your families, friends and loved ones a very safe, healthy and happy holiday season, and an even better 2011!
  19. It gives us great pleasure to announce that Rahul Parkar has been appointed as the Boston ARTCC Data Services Manager / Webmaster. Rahul comes to us with good experience in coding, data and database management, and web design. Please join us in welcoming Rahul into his new role.
  20. For those of you who celebrate it as a holiday, and also for those that don't, I'd like us all to take a moment to give thanks. I'd like to give thanks... ... to our families ... to those that keep us safe from harm's way ... for being as fortunate as we are. If we have a computer and high speed internet access, we are doing so much better than so many in this world who struggle to keep a roof over their heads and food in their mouths. ... for those that share peace and love in this world ... for those that have brought, and continue to bring us VATSIM, free of charge ... for being part of such a wonderful team as we have at ZBW. We ebb and flow, and get stronger and weaker over time, but we are made up of a great group of people and come together as a strong and wonderful family. May we all be thankful, grateful, loving and sharing, and may we all have a safe, healthy and Happy Thanksgiving. Don Desfosse Air Traffic Manager Boston ARTCC
  21. A minor pen and ink change to N JO 7110.536, Line Up and Wait (LUAW) Operations, effective September 30, 2010, has been posted. The only change can be found on page 2. This change is intended to allow Controller discretion with phraseology usage and reduce potential workload associated with the requirements of paragraph 3-9-4d. The changed version may be found at: http://www.faa.gov/documentLibrary/medi ... .536PI.pdf
  22. It gives me great pleasure to announce the appointment of Francis Dube (DB) to the position of Events Coordinator. Francis is a rock-solid, steady controller here at ZBW, serves as a Mentor, and has some wonderful ideas to promote and grow ZBW events. Between ensuring we keep up with ZBW's historical set of good events and dreaming up exciting new ones, I (and we) look forward to kicking it up a notch or two with Francis at the helm. Please join me in congratulating Francis on this appointment, and giving him our full support.
  23. The Boston ARTCC (vZBW) is currently seeking an Event Coordinator who will provide compelling capability and effective management of the vZBW events function. The Event Coordinator will be responsible for the creation, delivery, and management of vZBW Events and special activities. Key Accountabilities: * Reports to the Boston Air Traffic Manager * Develop and manage multiple events simultaneously * Create new, unique event ideas * Advertise among community groups, message boards, forums, emails, etc. * Create advertising graphics * Write and publish pilot/controller information packages * Oversee and assist with planning Live events/activities * Develop and maintain ARTCC events website calendars Required Skills: * Must be an active member of the network in good standing * Must be able to succeed in a team environment * Must have excellent written and oral communication skills * Mature, responsible, conscientious, accountable, and organized * Willing to promote the positive image of ZBW on a daily basis * Able to devote the time required for advertising, contacting other organizations, and managing events * Able to seek and interact with commercial event sponsors * Willing to be a "go-to" staff member with constant controller interaction and the contribution of new ideas Desired Skills: * Creative writing skills * Ability to produce quality, professional graphic ads Letter of application should summarize the applicant's reasons for wanting to join the Boston team, compelling evidence to show how the position requirements are met, and how the function will thrive under the applicant's leadership. Applications should be submitted to Don Desfosse, ZBW Air Traffic Manager, at atm -at- bostonartcc.net. Application deadline is 15 October 2010.
  24. It gives me great pleasure to announce that Matt Spencer (SP) [s:504cfcmv]believed my lies[/s:504cfcmv] [s:504cfcmv]went off his medication and[/s:504cfcmv] has accepted a new assignment as ZBW's Training Administrator. Matt has been instructing here since April, was a Mentor prior to that, and is tremendously knowledgeable about ZBW and its operations. He is a ball of energy, and we're counting on him to be a driving, motivating force for training here at ZBW, while pushing and ensuring that our high standards of excellence are always met. Please join me in welcoming Matt into his new role.