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Matthew Miller

Air Traffic Controllers
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Everything posted by Matthew Miller

  1. KK, thanks for all your contributions to this amazing ARTCC in the past 2 years. Words cannot describe the amazing job you've done. MO, Congrats on your new position! I know you will do your best to make this ARTCC top notch. Thank you both. Keep up the great work!
  2. Hope everyone has a happy, and safe thanksgiving! Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
  3. Not sure if this would go here, but since were talking about new proceidures: Yes.. I would know this (Start the Stereotypes) New/Revised procedures at Bradley: VOR APP's have been terminated. Added RNAV (GPS) Y runway 06, 15, 24, and 33 approaches. Added RNAV (RNP) Z Runway 06, 24, and 15 approaches. Added ILS RWY 24 (SA CATI and SA CATII) Added ILS RWY 06 (SA CATI) Revised lower minimums on approaches.
  4. On right now, but I have to go around 3PM. Will be back later on to control.
  5. I'll gladly control Boston tomorrow in memory of Andre Roy - AVQ1
  6. Congrats Kevin! You always had an act of making, modifying, and in the case of Swava, enhancing the virtual aviation community. Once again, Congratulations!
  7. Happy Holidays to everyone at ZBW. I wish you all a safe, and joyous celebration of this great time of the year. -thank you
  8. This just made my day, thanks so much for posting it! Happy Holidays to everyone!
  9. How would this sound for a Helicopter doing an Air or Hover taxi? Hover- "Bell N121J, Hover-Taxi to Runway 27 via taxiway Mike." OLD "Bell N121J, runway 27, hover taxi via taxiway Mike." - Would this be the new one? Air- "Bell N121J, Air Taxi via Foxtrot, Mike to Runway 27." OLD "Bell N121J, Runway 27, Air taxi via Foxtrox, Mike." - Would this be the new one? -thank you