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Evan Musial

ATC Training Staff
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  1. Congrats to @Devin Payne who has earned his certification as a local controller in both the real world and on VATSIM! Obviously the second of two being the better one. Congrats!
  2. Thanks everyone! Throughout my two year journey here at BVA I’ve made some of my best friends that I hope to know for as long as possible in life and found out that BVA is more than just a place where we control fake airplanes but a community that bonds in ways you don’t know until you experience it first hand. Here’s to all the memories and so many more in the future!
  3. Congrats to @George Tolis for getting that full cert on Boston Ground! He mastered the sweatbox, made the airport his, and is ready to take that attitude to the network! Congrats George!
  4. Congrats to @Tomer Brook who held his own and nailed a 24/33 LAHSO Scenario at Nantucket with multiple VFR cold calls, pattern work, and he worked it top down for 20 minutes as well! Congrats on the S2!