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Lou Bakerer

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Everything posted by Lou Bakerer

  1. That sounds like a great event and I love the opportunity to fly on my "home turf". Let's hope the controllers brush up on the local landmarks and FBOs! :) Hooks FTW! :)
  2. Out of curiosity, where did y'all find the center frequency? FWIW, in the CTX area, the center is on 132.35. It used to be the only point of contact outside of Austin approach area until they added Houston approach on 134.3 on the east side. But the west side still uses 132.35 for radar services once airborne. (try the listing for Burnet - KBMQ) Btw, is the practice over? The TFR area is pretty empty. :)
  3. Cool, great info, guys, thanks. Seeing as I will be without a plane this weekend, I might be able to attend this show. Should be fun!
  4. Evan (and the whole A-team), thank you for all the hard work you've been putting in to switching us over these past days, it does not go unappreciated.
  5. I don't think so. Just flew over KBAZ today, looks still the same. Though they sure are upgrading the terminal building, it is starting to look like a log cabin. LOL Can we get some green insulation textures and maybe a few Mexican workers into the scenery? :)
  6. How are the winds today, westerly? I yet have to check out the weather (so far only on my first up of coffee) but definitely looking fwd to flying with the crowd, watching the gorgeous scenery and dodging clouds.
  7. That sounds great, looking forward to it. Hoping for our local forecast to come true and see some bad weather on Sunday. Otherwise I wouldn't make this event and most likely wind up getting "high" (a few thousand feet, that is).
  8. This sounds like a blast and after the VFR Alaska challenge last year, I am looking forward to this one even more. Especially with the great elevation. What kind of weather are y'al planning for the event? Custom, I assume? High pressure system with CAVU? :)
  9. This is an uneducated question and should be taken as such: what was the point of releasing SE if it is hardly compatible with addons and the multiplayer capability is not supported by anybody? I tried searching forums and reading market mumbo-jumbo about the release but so far I have found only one reason for this release: profit from hyped-up sales. And I fail to see any user experience enhancement. Am I missing something obvious?
  10. FWIW, Austin Bergstrom International (KAUS) used to be an AFB and it has a 9000' runway and also a 12248' runway. In case somebody wants to show off the Concorde or another fast bird. :) What date and time? Also, the Follow-Me cars could be potentially made a required download for the event to ensure that they show up properly and not as the default 172. Just an option. If anybody has any questions about the area, I am actually local and know this airspace like the back of my hand so feel free to ask me questions. 25K, are you from KBAZ? It would be great to meet another local simmer!
  11. Just to clarify, we did not mean to imply that anybody should attempt any deliberate violations of the TFR (may it be simulated or not). But it is good to know that the controllers will try to keep the designated area safe. Hmm, come to think of it, will we get to see or hear the famous AF1 in action during the month of August? :-)
  12. image.jpg[/attachment:3tlif9qa] When I saw this picture, I instinctively asked the pilot "what VIP TFR did you bust?" :) During my PPL training, I learned the intercept procedure for slow aircraft. One fighter flies past the suspicious aircraft and across its path and the aircraft is supposed to follow it down to land. Because the second fighter is behind the aircraft ... with a missile lock. :shock: Now a question: how does the second fighter stay "behind" if it is much faster that the aircraft it is supposed to follow? High AOA with supplemental power? (as in: "stand it up on the tail"?) Just curious about the procedure. Unless it is classified. :mrgreen:
  13. Have we simulated any intercepts on BVA in the past? Would we simulate one if needed during this TFR? Just curious. Sounds like yet another step toward blurring the line ... :) On a related note: could an F-18 keep up with a 172 at 90 KIAS? Wouldn't that be below even Vref? :lol:
  14. Sounds like fun and also a great challenge, given the current weather. I better print out the sectional, it will be fun! Watching the World Cup finals right now. Once Germany is done kicking some Argentinian behinds, I will join in.
  15. Zach is putting together ground school for BVA pilots, I suggest you talk to him about wake turbulence awareness, it would be good to mention it. FWIW, the one advantage I see in putting myself and my aircraft in simulated danger is to learn from the encounter and gain some perspective and experience which could one day save my life (NOT that I am planning on intentionally flying into wake turbulence). As a real-world pilot, I tend to use the sim as a training aid for the possible, the unlikely and also the impossible. But that is just my personal view on that topic.
  16. Alright, FSX does not do wake turbulence, gotcha. Too bad. If we get enough positive feedback from ActiveSky users, we could still attempt to organize this. Great picture, Jeremy! Now imagine your Cessna or Cherokee getting caught in that vortex. Yikes!
  17. Hello gentlemen, in the light of this newest tragedy, I thought that maybe some virtual training would be useful. If BVA would agree to host this in their airspace (not necessarily inside the class Bravo) and if they would want to run the event to keep it organized, well structured and most importantly safe, it might actually benefit some. I imagine setting up a big cargo jet at several thousand feet, vectoring it around and vectoring small GA aircraft to intercept the wake carefully to learn by experience. Not something you want to actually experience but it might help to simulate it. (I have obviously trust in FSX's realism here) Thoughts? Lou
  18. Sorry, guys, I was really looking fwd to this event but had to miss it. How was it? Anybody got pictures? Is anybody putting together maybe a video? I wish I could have participated from my sim setup in air/conditioning but instead I ended up outside today, in 95 degrees on a half sunny day and with some cool toys. :) image.jpg[/attachment:3khotgnp]
  19. Thank you. Never been to a group event like this so I am trying to gauge what to expect. Thanks again. Lou
  20. So standard CTAF rules apply to each airport then, I assume? (sorry for the silly questions but it's better to ask then assume wrong) Thanks Lou
  21. Maybe a silly question but is TeamSpeak required for air traffic control or is it merely optional for pilot chit-chat? The flight plan looks great, it will be an exciting trip! Now to go look up the V-speeds for a stock DC-3 ...
  22. DC-3? Really? Is it a hard requirement? See ... I have a real license ... and ... *gulp* ... I kinda don't have a ... *gulp* ... tail-dragger endorsement. And I don't think I can secure it before the 21st. :lol: