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Josh Nunn

[29 Aug 2019 2000-2300ET] GA Fly-in: Cape Cod

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Set the parking brake on the airliner and knock the cobwebs off your favorite general aviation aircraft! The General Aviation Fly-In visits locales across the country that are famous for their scenery and general aviation influence. While anything from a single engine Cessna to a regional jet is welcome in this event, ‘low and slow’ offers the best opportunity to experience the scenery. 

During the event, local air traffic control is staffed at smaller Class C and D airports, with overlying radar controllers to provide VFR Flight Following and IFR services. Fly VFR closed traffic, practice instrument approaches, or fly VFR or IFR between the featured airports: the choice is yours.

This GA Fly-in features Cape Cod airports such as Nantucket (KACK), Hyannis (KHYA), and Martha's Vineyard (KMVY)!

Local Time: August 29, 2019 2000-2300ET
Zulu Time: August 30, 2019 0000-0300z


Controller signups here.



Josh Nunn

Air Traffic Manager

Administration Team

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18 hours ago, Josh Nunn said:

Controller signups here.



If you've received your S1 certification after we've transitioned to the new website, you might not be able to access the above page or sign up on it.

Should that be the case, please email me ([email protected]) or send me a message on Discord (@szymon should do the trick).

This is only a temporary problem while we're working on brand spanking new event module on the new website.



Szymon Puzdrowski

Web Team

VATSIM Supervisor

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