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Clif Whitten


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Team Boston,


As we approach the American Thanksgiving holiday, I wanted to pause and offer a moment of thanks to all of you. 


I am thankful for this vibrant community of pilots, air traffic controllers, volunteers, and administrators.  Our continued success as a community is because of your commitment to excellence.   I am personally thankful for the friendships that have formed because of BVA; I find it difficult to image how different my life would be without this community. 


As an organization, we would like to express our thanks to the VATSIM team for continuing to provide a free platform for us to enjoy our hobby and for the significant improvements made to the network this year. 


As we move through this holiday season, take time to be present with family, friends, and loved ones.  Thank those who must spend the holiday away from their loved ones.  Remember those who have left us. 


Be safe, have fun, make smart decisions, and don’t forget the cranberry jelly!



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Thank you, Clif, for everything you do for us. I appreciate that we can share a hotel room without the worry of catching Nunnitis.

Thanks to everyone here for creating a welcoming, fun, and caring community. Without you all, there is no way I would be where I am now.

Happy Thanksgiving!



Jamsheed Lovelace

ATC Instructor 

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Thank you Clif, and the rest of the administration and membership that makes this community the truly incredible place it is. I am extremely grateful to every one of our members, pilots and controllers, for the positive, friendly, and knowledgeable attitudes that they bring to the table. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

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Thank you Clif.  I want to also thank everyone that I have come in contact with with BVARTCC over the years.  My life wouldn't be as rich as it is if it wasn't for all of you!!  This is a very close community of people that I can actually call friends!!  Be safe everyone.  Love you all.





Vinnie Covino (CV)


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