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M. B. Ingersoll

KSFO Pack the Pattern 07 FEB 2013

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Well, you'll have to excuse me for starting a topic - especially since this is my first time on the forum. But I didn't see this topic and I just HAD to make a comment or two about it. If newbies starting topics about events is a violation of protocol, ground me!


But, as I said, I felt like I had to say something here. Tonight was my first BVA event AND it was my first flight with BVA. A few years back when I saw a demo of FSX and bought a copy, I was ambivalent about the online ATC. Frankly, it wasn't that impressive to me. Then some time later, I found VATSIM and was very pleased with that. Meanwhile, I saw BVA sessions on GameSpy - ooo, supersecret... you gotta join. Well, I just never took the time to investigate it. VATSIM was cool and I did some time on FS-MP, as well.


But seeing BVA mentioned on FSXBeyoneGameSpy, I got curious and started reading. I was impressed with the high standards outlined in the material and joined. And, as I said, tonight was my maiden voyage. I had a great time. IFR from STS down to SFO, couple of ILS 28Rs and flight following back to STS. Great phraseology all around. Even had a NORDO Cessna heading out of SFO opposite direction when I was on final. NORCAL called him - I got him in sight - they gave me maneuvering room if I needed it. Kept me until we passed then switched me to tower. Exactly the right thing to do.


Yeah... I'm impressed.

----M B Ingersoll

----FAA Retired

----ZFW ATCS - 1984 to 2008

----USAF Sr. ATC - 1973 to 1983

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Welcome, welcome! Glad to see that you had a positive first experience. Things can be a little strange when a maiden BVA flight happens outside of our preferred airspace but it doesn't sound like that was the case for you.


Thanks a lot for the post. I think our community prides itself on is its openness to feedback and welcoming of new members of all skill levels. If your future experiences don't meet your expectations, we absolutely encourage you to speak up and let us know why so we can get better.


Looking forward to seeing you again soon. Hopefully the next experience doesn't involve a traffic call for a NORDO aircraft (turned out he had accidentally switched off SFO_T's frequency but quickly tuned back to the right place).



Evan Reiter

Community Director
Administration Team

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Welcome! There is no policy against newbies -- or anyone -- starting a topic about anything they feel is relevant! Pleased to see you enjoyed your first flight with us. If you look at the ATC Timetable you will see that we have controllers lined up for the Boston Area tonight and tomorrow night. Hope to see you there!

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Hopefully the next experience doesn't involve a traffic call for a NORDO aircraft (turned out he had accidentally switched off SFO_T's frequency but quickly tuned back to the right place).

Yes, I was on the Tower's freq by the time the NORDO checked back in. In a similar situation, some online controllers I've flown with would have lectured the guy. Well, on the freq with other traffic to be worked is NOT the time to lecture anyone - and the SFO_T controller rightfully advised him he's been trying to contact him and then proceeded to send him wherever he needed to be. Professionally handled - as it should be.

----M B Ingersoll

----FAA Retired

----ZFW ATCS - 1984 to 2008

----USAF Sr. ATC - 1973 to 1983

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If you look at the ATC Timetable you will see...

Yes, I discovered that gem last night, too! With VATSIM, I never knew where I'd find ATC. And many's the time I saw controlled airspace on VATSPY, logged in, planned a complete route, got my departure and arrival charts, tuned the NAV and COM radios, then looked up to find the controller was gone. With the ATC Timetable, I can now plan ahead. Yeah... another nice feature of BVA.

----M B Ingersoll

----FAA Retired

----ZFW ATCS - 1984 to 2008

----USAF Sr. ATC - 1973 to 1983

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