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Michael Gordon

New Braunfels Fly-In/Airshow

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Hello all, I am pleased to say that Evan has allowed me to coordinate an air show to go with the Fly-In at New Braunfels Regional Airport (KBAZ). How we plan to have the traffic controlled is there is going to be a radar controller and then there is going to be KBAZ Tower and we are going to have "follow me" cars to park aircraft in the grass area between the two runways and taxiway F. I am making this post because I am trying to find people to perform in the air show. The air show is going to be 2 hours, so the more acts we can get, the better. The performers can be group performances, solo performances, and glider performances (There will be a human operated tow plane, so that's not an issue). We also can use a tow pilot if somebody wants to fill that position. We can also use some people as Follow me car operators. Private Message me if you are interested in any of the things listed above. Also, if any of the performers are going to demo an aircraft that cannot take off or land on New Braunfels' 5400ft runway, there is San Antonio International Airport (KSAT) 24.5nm away with a 8500ft RWY and Randolph Air Force Base (KRND) 16nm away with a 8350ft RWY. I hope to see ally of people at the event.


"Blue Skies and Cheese Fries"-Share Aviation

"I have a flying plane!!! Wai



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Guest Cameron Laramee

"Follow me" cars are probably not a good idea. Due to FSX multiplayer substitution, anyone who does not have the car installed in their FSX will see it substituted as another aircraft (probably a 172 or something of that nature), and that will just cause confusion.

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FWIW, Austin Bergstrom International (KAUS) used to be an AFB and it has a 9000' runway and also a 12248' runway. In case somebody wants to show off the Concorde or another fast bird. :)


What date and time?


Also, the Follow-Me cars could be potentially made a required download for the event to ensure that they show up properly and not as the default 172. Just an option.


If anybody has any questions about the area, I am actually local and know this airspace like the back of my hand so feel free to ask me questions.

25K, are you from KBAZ? It would be great to meet another local simmer!

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I don't think we need one...do we?

I don't think so. Just flew over KBAZ today, looks still the same.

Though they sure are upgrading the terminal building, it is starting to look like a log cabin. LOL Can we get some green insulation textures and maybe a few Mexican workers into the scenery? :)

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I think this is a great idea! I am a local my self, Living in San Antonio and working as a Firefighter in the New Braunfels area. You can also sign me up as a performer if you still got room, I will be flying my mustang... I have to make sure and practice first lol. So yea N8025K i will shoot you a PM

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Okay so the BVA Military will be doing a small showcase, but for you all to see the substitution correctly (and not a bunch of learjets) you'll need to copy the linked aircraft.cfg file into your SimObjects/Airplanes/FA-18 folder. You can overwrite the current one but i recommend making a backup.




Additionally, airshow visitors are encouraged to download the FSX Blue Angels jet; it's a different aircraft than the default FSX Acceleration F/A-18. Visitors may also download the FSX Thunderbirds' aircraft as well.


If you plan to view the show, the best place is from the Tower at KBAZ. If you don't have the Deluxe version of FSX (and therefore can't login as an ATC), then you can also download BOB by Orbx. BOB is a first-person utility that basically acts like a person. The advantage of BOB is that it's invisible to others, so you won't be creating any "lag" for our performers: http://cloud.orbxsystems.com/orbxfreewa ... BOB110.zip

Devon Hathaway - BVATC Scenery Design  "Cross Devon at or above 4000, cleared for the ILS RWY 9R approach"

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The New Braunfels Fly-In and Airshow is scheduled for Saturday, March 28, beginning at 1pm ET.


From 1-3pm ET, BVA members will be able to arrive at KBAZ with a full roster of ATC. Like any of our other Pack The Pattern and GA Fly-In events, pilots are encouraged to fly VFR closed traffic or practice instrument approaches during the fly-in portion of this event.


BVA members are encouraged to join the Member TeamSpeak server after they have parked their aircraft. We'll be watching our virtual airshow together in the Member TeamSpeak.


The airshow itself begins at 3:30pm ET, with a fly-in from the FSX Thunderbirds. The full lineup of performers is:

  • 3:30pm ET - FSX Thunderbirds Fly-In
  • 3:50pm ET - Demonstration from BVA's Virtual Military
  • 4:15pm ET - Matt Webber
  • 4:30pm ET - Javi and Eddie in the P51 Mustang and F18 (Demos and Heritage Flight)
  • 4:45pm ET - FSX Blue Angels Flyover
  • 5:00pm ET - FSX Thunderbirds Demonstration (live stream)

After this weekend's Landing Competition at KOSU, all of the details for our upcoming Fly-In and Airshow will be posted on the Challenge page.



Evan Reiter

Community Director
Administration Team

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Reminder for all pilots to download/modify their aircraft so that aircraft in the session appear without substitutions:


For you all to see the substitution correctly (and not a bunch of learjets) you'll need to copy the linked aircraft.cfg file into your SimObjects/Airplanes/FA-18 folder. You can overwrite the current one but I recommend making a backup.




Additionally, airshow visitors are encouraged to download the FSX Blue Angels jet; it's a different aircraft than the default FSX Acceleration F/A-18.


If you plan to view the show, the best place is from the Tower at KBAZ. If you don't have the Deluxe version of FSX (and therefore can't login as an ATC), then you can also download BOB by Orbx. BOB is a first-person utility that basically acts like a person. The advantage of BOB is that it's invisible to others, so you won't be creating any "lag" for our performers: http://cloud.orbxsystems.com/orbxfreewa ... BOB110.zip



Evan Reiter

Community Director
Administration Team

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Are there any provisions to allow guest clients to view this event?

If you have a specific guest in mind, feel free to give him or her the server information. If you send me a quick email with the username(s) that your guest(s) would be using, and agree to be responsible for their conduct, then there's no issue with a non-member joining.



Evan Reiter

Community Director
Administration Team

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Okay so the BVA Military will be doing a small showcase, but for you all to see the substitution correctly (and not a bunch of learjets) you'll need to copy the linked aircraft.cfg file into your SimObjects/Airplanes/FA-18 folder. You can overwrite the current one but i recommend making a backup.



Devon -- apparently this wasn't working for some people. I don't know exactly who but that was the feedback. Zac is one of them. You might want to try to troubleshoot/follow-up for future.



Evan Reiter

Community Director
Administration Team

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I would just like to say that this was the first virtual airshow I've attended and is was very impressive.

The fly overs with music and excellent commentary for me was the highlight.



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It was a very well planned event, thank's for all the work you all did, I have a question for those of you who where watching the show, specifically the FSX Blue Angels Flyover, did anyone happen to get either a video recording or atleast a screenshot or 2 of our flyover? We had some technical issues and didn't end up with any recordings..

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It was a great show! I had a little prob staying in formation during the heritage flight due to my weather wanting to update right when we were doing out last pass but it was great non the Less!

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