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Don Desfosse

Line Up and Wait to replace TIPH 30 Sep 2010

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The long-anticipated change from Taxi into Position and Hold (TIPH) to Line Up And Wait (LUAW) is now official, with an implementation effectivity of 30 Sep 2010.



The FAA just issued FAA Notice 7110.536, effective 30 Sep 2010, that changes our terminology from "Position and Hold" to "Line Up and Wait".  This further drives our alignment to ICAO procedures.


Summary of Changes:


1. The phraseology "Position and Hold" will be replaced with "Line Up and Wait". 



b. First state the runway number followed by the line up and wait clearance.




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Guest Chris Mauro

Isn't that what we do at restrooms?


By we, do you mean men or women?  ;)

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Guest Scott Crawford

What is the pivotal difference between these two phrases?  Obviously pilots and controllers would assume the same general meaning correct?  I know I'm rather amateur at this but it just seems redundant to change common phraseology to common phraseology when they in essence mean the same thing.  Any insight?



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It's changing common US phraseology to common international (ICAO) phraseology, to help "everyone else" understand the instruction better.  Conformance to the ICAO standard.  No comment on whether I think it's smart or necessary or not... ;)  (The FAA didn't ask me....)

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More than once on VATSIM I've seen it first hand where a foreign pilot didn't understand what I meant when I said "position and hold." He read it back as "Roger, hold position."


No idea if the same thing happens in the real world, but I wouldn't be surprised. And since there's no other common phraseology I'm aware of that a pilot (regardless of native language) might confuse with "line up and wait", I think it's a good change.

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Guest Jacob Bush

Take this from an American's point of view.  The first thing that would come to mind if Ididn't know it as ICAO would be to hold short. Generally when we line up to do something that means we aren't doing it yet, ie. taking the runway.  While I believe this is remotely possible, I highly doubt any confusion would last long or endanger anyone...

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Guest Derek M

Let's see how many times I have to correct myself today.

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Guest Chris Mauro

Let's see how many times I have to correct myself today.



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A minor pen and ink change to N JO 7110.536, Line Up and Wait (LUAW) Operations, effective September 30, 2010, has been posted.  The only change can be found on page 2.


This change is intended to allow Controller discretion with phraseology usage and reduce potential workload associated with the requirements of paragraph 3-9-4d.



The changed version may be found at: http://www.faa.gov/documentLibrary/medi ... .536PI.pdf

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