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Philip Katz

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Everything posted by Philip Katz

  1. Congratulations! It was a pleasure feeding you departures out of Boston.
  2. Congrats, WN! A great addition to the team!
  3. The new KBOS and KBDL SIDs are now available on FltPlan.com. We now have published top altitudes! Other than that, there doesn't appear to be any changes to the altitude profiles or departure routes. I have attached a comparison of the SSOXS3 and the SSOXS4 RNAV departures.
  4. This website is a testament to DA's immense contributions to ZBW and just how remarkable of a person he is. We wouldn't be the ARTCC we are today without him, and I am incredibly saddened by his passing. Although the moments we shared together were brief, they were truly memorable. I also agree that we should move forward with the retirement of his initials.
  5. Congratulations to Alec Liberman (LN) for passing his Class C/D TWR OTS last night (and for completing the VATUSA S2 exam literally the minute that BN assigned it ::)). From pesky VFR arrivals to a heavy flow of IFR arrivals and departures, LN handled everything that PG and I threw him efficiently and with style. Now go out there and make us proud!
  6. Thanks everybody! It has been quite a ride, and I am glad that all of you were there alongside me - as fellow controllers, as mentors or instructors, and as friends. I will continue to do my part to make ZBW an even better community than it already is.
  7. Very well-deserved, LN! You did an amazing job on Boston Ground these past few days. Keep it up!
  8. Congratulations, BN! Looking forward to the events you'll be organizing. As DO pointed out, make sure you disinfect everything in your office. Who know what our last EC was up to in there? ::)
  9. Congrats, DB! The future is bright for ZBW.
  10. Congrats, BN! Remember: Now that you're fully certed, never "be right back" while you're on the scopes. :P
  11. Let us cry "Havoc!", and let slip the dogs of war! October 25th can't come soon enough.
  12. Perfect timing. We were looking for a guy to staff South Satellite... :P Congratulations, PG! I still remember those BDL staff-ups with me on approach, BN on tower, and you on ground just a few months ago, and now you're a fully-certified A90 controller! It's truly amazing to see how far you've come in such a short period of time. Your conquest for ZBW domination is nearly complete. Onward to Center!
  13. Glad to have you on board, RH!
  14. A ZBW S1 controller with his off-peak KBOS cert took to the scopes as usual - little did he know that his mentors were plotting against him.... Congratulations to Jared Yost (YT) for passing his Class B GND/DEL OTS on the network tonight during a ZNY event at KPHL. YT saw a total of 50 aircraft appear on his scope during his three hours on the position, and he dealt with both arriving and departing traffic both efficiently and with style. He also had first-hand experience at dealing with your typical VATSIM idiot, I might add. The "Voice of ATIS" rang true today, as he also took over the ATIS halfway through the session. And another controller receives a set of keys to the Boston tower cab. Well done, YT!
  15. Looks like Cam can throw another cert into his BN....I kid ::). Congratulations, man, and have fun! :)
  16. Time to buy a few bottles of hair tonic to put in the cab...It's good to have you back on the training staff, DO!
  17. Congratulations, BN! To celebrate, you should get some LBSTA with KRANNberry sauce! (That would be a terrible combination.) Looking forward seeing you on A90 and controlling alongside you. Keep it going, man!
  18. Congratulations, HA! Onwards, but not upwards - You're fully certified! :)
  19. Congrats, MG! Enjoy the view from the tower cab!
  20. Congrats, Scott! Looking forward to seeing you in the scopes. Onward and upward!
  21. Thanks, everybody! I feel very fortunate to be part of this wonderful community. Looking forward to seeing you guys on the scopes!