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Rob Shearman Jr

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  1. ... and his name is Rob. Seriously, within acceptable margins of error, they've described me nearly perfectly here, including the 73% chance that I have no real-world flying.
  2. Sad that it happened a year too late to do anything about it! ;-)
  3. Cam -- this is a shocking development, but, I know you have established an organization here that will continue to thrive after you hand the torch off. You've done an astounding job at the helm of BVA and will leave some tremendous shoeprints to fill here. Congrats for an amazing legacy and hopefully you won't be a stranger to the community moving forward!
  4. Really nice work by everyone last night. We need Cam to teach everyone else how to tactfully call me out on my bad habits so they don't keep getting inadvertently reinforced. LOL.