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Braden Kearney

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  1. Controllers, please join me in congratulating @Collin Berg(BG) in achieving his S1! BG has worked hard and has shown he is ready to control by himself. Congrats and enjoy the cert!
  2. Controllers, please join me in giving a GG to @Ethan Graz (GG) for passing his S2 OTS! Congrats and enjoy the rating!
  3. After hard work and dedication, please join me in congratulating @Greg Williams (WS) on passing his C Tower OTS! Enjoy controlling more than just the ground!
  4. Thanks all! Excited to join this wonderful team!
  5. Its time to celebrate, because @Devin Payne(PY) is a shiny new Boston Ground Full controller! He now has the ability to get slammed during an event on Boston! Congrats PY and enjoy!
  6. Fellow controllers, please join me in congratulating @William Walker (WR) in passing his c tWR OTS! WR handled everything I could throw at him, from 3 guys in the pattern at a Class D to controlling a Class C top down. WR has no doubt proven to me that he is able to handle the real WoRld of VATSIM. Congrats! P.S. I bet RT is jealous of all of the WondeRous puns I chose and all of the hard WoRk I put in to these controller initial puns.